Discussion: Donna Brazile To Serve As DNC Chief Through The Election

Folks…this is serious stuff…we could end up with a Trump Presidency…weird especially since this
is supposedly a more progressive electorate


Why wait until after the convention? Everyone, including the outgoing chair, is dedicated to winning the election. The faster the change, the less opportunity for the GOP to plant a wedge that attracts Sanders supporters.


Anyone know why Brad Marshall remains in the DNC, considering he’s the one who wrote the email that has forced out DWS?


Here’s a deeper dive into the email hack itself
and some likelihoods as to how they made their way to Wikileaks–

From NYTimes:



The Russians aren’t stupid. Why would they make a traceable mistake?
One possible explanation is that Putin doesn’t give a fuck. He sees a chance of helping Trump getting elected, while without his help Trump will be toast.

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Didn’t she run the presidential campaign the last time we had a competent, boring moderate Democrat accused of being a flip-flopper with no moral base against a nutcase Republican with no curiosity or intellectual rigor?

And how did that go again?


Which still doesn’t really matter , the issue being that the were in fact biased and trying to rig it in Hillary’s direction
We were all shocked by this said no one.
My only response.
Bernie was a Democrat? Who knew?


Never underestimate the stupidity of the American public , or… the ability of Democrats to shoot themselves in the foot


How Putin Weaponized Wikileaks to Influence the Election of an American President

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First, Robbie Mook is the campaign director.
Second, GWB wasn’t a nutcase (R). He was a dry-drunk you wanted to have a beer with.
Third, Brazile is there, already inside the DNC. Purge of all execs would be a coup-- literally, for Trump.



Is anyone a realist?
Of course any email trove will contain some offensive messages.
The invasion of privacy is the issue.
We can’t have a fair contest when one candidate is unilaterally disarmed by a foreign government.


There was nothing more than disparaging emails.
All talk. No action on any of it.



Privacy if I recall correctly ended some time ago in the late 20th century
Which still doesn’t fix the stupid .
What part of no email is secure don’t these idiots get. I work in government and have learned to be circumspect in everything I send digitally.
If you want to talk shit pick up the phone fercrisssake
even then there are no guarantees


How many emails are we talking about that are at issue? It’s two or three, right?
I don’t care what the organization, people will lack circumspection a small fraction of the time.


Why can’t the DNC have a full-time chair? Why does anybody think the DNC can be led by a part-timer? I was dismayed to see that Senator Harry Reid recommended Senator Dick Durbin for the post. As much as I like Durbin, he already has a full-time job in the Senate.

Come on, Democrats, get serious. Donna Brazile will be great in the interim, and I appreciate that she’s willing to step in and hopefully start to clean house. But after her we need a full-time chair of the DNC.


Agree with you both.
As an IT SysAdmin-- all you can do is warn your users to this aspect.
Don’t put anything in an email you don’t want your Mom the world to see.

Honestly? The sh^t people post on social media makes my skin crawl.

In this case? I’m somewhat surprised this is it.
DWS was running this thing since 2012.
Unless there are further damning dumps to come?
How much more ‘squeeky’ does ‘clean’ have to be?

The PR issue? Is that MSM outlets are implying that there are 20K emails ‘that are damaging’–
and not expressing that it was very few emails of that number that actually contained any damning content.



Pardon the snark?
But Sen Durbin will only have a fulltime Senate job if there is a (D) majority in January.
I’m thinking Julian Castro might be in line for this.


What, Michael Froman wasn’t available? Oh no, that’s right – he influences policy from behind the scenes.

Hey, if that’s such a despicable state of affairs worthy of scorn, I’m certain that if enough Clintonistas banded together and prevailed upon him, he might run as an independent in the general election.