Discussion for article #246226
Quite remarkable really, after blaming 9/11 on Bush, defending Planned Parenthood, and not getting any endorsements like Rubio and Jeb.
I’d be enjoying this more if I didn’t live in this country.
This is amazing. He won veterans by a large margin. I guess al you have to do is promote the greatest military on earth and that will seal their vote. Muslim ban too
It’s like a train wreck. Can’t peel my eyes from the TV. Seeing that check mark by Trump’s name… This just would have been unfathomable a year ago.
Scary!!! The GOParty is in real trouble
Oh, to be a bug on the wall to listen to Ted Cruz’s private thoughts!
You just know he’s been plotting and scheming towards this primary, possibly for years. And to watch Donald Trump snatch it away from him…couldn’t happen to a nicer fellow.
I’d be enjoying it if I wasn’t seeing more and more evidence that in November, the disapointed right wingers will be expressing their rage by voting and, once again, disappointed left wingers will be expressing their disappointment by not voting.
Projections: Trump Wins S. Carolina Primary And Dares GOP To Stop Him Now.
When Rubio calls his mom to tell her he got second place, it will technically be a robo-call.
I am glad that people like the ones who run the Republican establishment are not responsible for National Security.
They would fail us.
At this time, even without the 21 odd percent of voters who are for Ted Cruz, the combined votes for Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush and John Kasich exceed those of Donald Trump. IF THERE WAS ONE candidate which combined Bush/Rubio/Kasich votes, here is what would happen:
John J. Combo-Man…38+% votes (Bush/Rubio/Kasich)
Donald Trump…34% votes
Ted Cruz…21% votes
Ben Carson…7% votes
What would the “unstoppable” Trump narrative be then?
The problem, of course, is that neither Bush nor Rubio nor Kasich care to leave the election cycle.
But the RNC is too stupid to devise a strategy to deal with the Trump problem.
Post Script…The numbers above represent percentages at an earlier time in the results, but I believe the ratios will remain similar. I will give one and only one update…as of 2013 hrs EDT, John J. Combo man had 38.8% of the SC Primary Vote and Donald (Ratfucker) Trump had 33.8% of the SC Primary Vote
I’m more terming it, Assholementum. Go asshole!
I think the left will coalesce around whoever the Democratic candidate is by then, Steve, if for no other reason than the absolute terror of a Rethug victory. Moreover, I think there will be a lot of disappointed RWNJs that will probable stay home out of spite — their specialty, you know. At least, that’s how I hope the scenario plays out.
You mentioned on a tandem thread that you’d been reading through Sanders supporters comments on Raw Story. Are you getting the feeling they’d sit out the election even against Trump or Cruz if Clinton were the nominee?
What a shock!!!
You’ve only been telling us how far ahead he is in the polls for the last week and a half.
At some point, the GOP is going to have to come to grips with how much its base detests the party.
Even with the polling, there is still an element of shock that this is the person so many think is going to save them.
It’s called with 7% reporting? How is that possible? I’m not saying Trump didn’t or won’t win, but it seems shocking to call it that early unless it is on the back of notably unreliable exit polls.
I tend to agree with your point over Josh’s. I think Josh is jumping the gun here.
Yes, Trump won NH and SC…but unlike in past republican primaries, there is plenty of evidence pointing to Trump being very near his ceiling. As the field clears out, those supporters won’t be moving towards Trump…they are probably going to be over proportionally moving towards Rubio. Its going to be a 3 way race.
The only question is when do Kasich, Carson and Bush finally read the writing on the all. The pressure on Kasich and Bush is going to be huge now to drop out…because everyone can see the math you are doing here.