Discussion: Donald Trump Stands Alone At Top Of CNN Poll

Discussion for article #243431

But RAND PAUL got 1%!!!1!1!!! He’s coiled to spring upward! You just wait, it’ll happen!!! Rand/Rand 2016, because nobody else can stand with a springing 1%er!


When you reach into a bag of nuts… there’s a good chance you’ll grab one —


Trump: "Fu*k the presidency! I should be Caesar."



It’s not about what Democrats or Republicans once WERE"; it’s about what they ARE NOW!

TODAY’S Republiclan Party is accepting, encouraging, enabling and condoning of racists, sexists, homophobes, xenophobes, religious frauds and fanatics, vote suppressors, secessionists, vigilantes, liars, con artists, cheats, mercenaries, carnival barkers, birthers, deathers, propagandists, monopolists, corporatists, extortionists and socially, intellectually and psychologically isolated/ignorant and dysfunctional/misanthropic loons, goons, megalomaniacs and sociopaths. And their PHONY and FALSE EQUIVALENCY ARGUMENTS, and their WRONGLY accusing Democrats of the sins and failures THEY are MOST GUILTY of are their ONLY defense for BEING WHO THEY ARE TODAY!

Today’s Republiclans can’t HONESTLY DEFEND or JUSTIFY who/what they are; they can only FALSELY ACCUSE Democrats of being JUST LIKE THEM!


Picture any one of the GOP candidates in the Oval Office for 4-8 years. 240 years of evolution in our nation’s history and development, and this is the fruits of our labor?


I for one am counting down the days to a Hillary-Trump debate. It should make even super bowls seem like a dull affair by comparison. We can have tailgate and pre/after parties!


I actually found PPP’s polling of NH yesterday the interesting poll of the week. (National polls mean even less now that the debates are also considering polling in the early states). Christie has bounced up to 4th place with 10%, and JEB has fallen into 8th place with 5%. Trump however, still holds a commanding 2:1 lead over 2nd place. (Its Trump, Cruz, Rubio, Christie, Carson, Kasich, Fiorina, Bush, Paul)

The interesting part of that is that the Establishment voters are still a long ways away from gathering around just one candidate, which is horrible news for Rubio. Its a strong indicator that he can’t seal the deal with them. This is particularly important because Bush’s campaign is on life support now, yet instead of his supporters gathering around his protege, they are splitting off to every other Establishment candidate.


I feel that, if your comment were found in a diary, or an original letter to a newspaper recovered in it’s morgue 150 years later, historians would rub hands with glee over the prospect of researching to determine whether the pols of those times were anywhere nearly so colorfully awful and as corrupt as your word-picture suggests, or whether instead, since your description seems to be of an impossible system of government, that you yourself were some shady pamphleteer.

But now we know that merely by living in New Jersey, Illinois, or Florida, or Wisconsiin, or in any of most of the 50 states, the modern picture is simply notorious. A century or more for now, tho, the question could well be asked about your comment and you.


What makes Christie’s surge particularly bad for the establishment is that it makes it even less likely that establishment voters will have only one or two candidates to coalesce around. He’s more likely to stay in the race now, and the bad blood brewing between Jeb! and Rubio makes it less likely Jeb’s voters will go to to Rubio. And Kasich seems to be sticking around in hopes of being somebody’s VP pick.


Great news for every Democrat running for office in 2016.


OK, thanks to your headline I can’t get ‘The Farmer in the Dell’ out of my head…


Who the fuck do they poll – those on their deathbeds and don’t give a shit? The GOP has really devolved into such a dark cesspool of ugly, childish, whiny, hateful takers.


I gotta admit that at the beginning of this year, I really thought Rand Paul had a chance at being the GOP nominee. Perhaps not a great chance but I thought he’d be in the top 5 at the very least and Christie wold be in low single digits.

Who knew?


I can’t wait for the reciprocal savaging of Trump and Cruz. Whoever emerges (I predict Cruz) will be so damaged by their lurch to the right that Hillary will destroy them come 11/16.

I’m hoping for a defeat of Goldwaterian proportions! I think that is the only thing that can save the GOP from itself.


Unless we’ve all vastly underestimated the degree of moral panic gripping our society. Should an event or other factor cause it to peak on or about election day all bets are off.


You have hit upon my greatest fear; that some sort of event (think Reichstag Fire or 9/11) comes along right before the election of freaks everyone out, so that they flock to the “strongman” who drags our nation into the black abyss of fascism in the name of Homeland Security.

If I were an enemy of the IDEA of the USA, this would be my gameplan.


Trumped up Ceasar has tapped into the base that President Obama so clearly identified in 2008, when he spoke at a fundraiser during his presidential campaign:

You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing’s replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not.
And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/blogs/ben-smith/2008/04/obama-on-small-town-pa-clinging-to-religion-guns-xenophobia-007737#ixzz3tMWOILYu


Donald Trump is not a Republican. He used that “status” to beat the established system. He is in tune with the heartbeat of America, backyard bbq, Apple pie, Chevrolet.
He will be our next president and I truly believe will take America to new heights we have never seen.

Say hello TPM’er’s to the next President of the United States! BOOYAH!

And start practicing.