Discussion: Donald Trump Says Ruth Bader Ginsburg's 'Mind Is Shot'

As Lawrence O’Donnell asks him in the tweet-thread: What about he ones who ran for POTUS while on the bench?

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Says the man with no mind at all.


Anyone with an IQ above room temperature should know that Trump is completely unfit for public office, and anyone concerned with the future of the republic should say so. As for Trump, every one of his statements should be answered by a demand that he release his tax returns before saying another word.


I saw the segment on O’Donnell’s program where he explained this about sitting justices running for office. His Twitter feed is drawing all the mouth breathers so I couldn’t stick around, but there’s video of that discussion

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On her worst day, Justice Ginsburg is sharper mentally than Trump ever was on his best, by a very large factor.


You forgot to start your comment with “some people say.” You can’t create an authentic “Donaldism” with out that phrase.

As I told a guy who was complaining about RBG nodding off, she is smarter asleep than anybody most of us know when they are awake.



Trump, lately, is grimacing and spasming like his Polyjuice Potion is wearing off…

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Like this, you mean?

Yeah, but the Dalai Lama has yet to weigh in.

Well, he has, but he’s quite circumspect:

Failing Dalai Lama is a joke! Couldn’t even hold on to his own country. I’ve heard he has connections to terrorists. Which is fine. I don’t know. I have people looking into it.

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Supremes do not weigh in on politics. There are plenty of voices to point to fascists. Justices need to stay out of the fray.

If Ginsburg’s mind is “shot”, then, what does that make Trump’s? Oh, hair?

My 20 year old grandson is already planning on moving to Europe as soon as possible to get away from Trump if he is elected. His mother, my daughter, and my granddaughter may very well join him. These are three people who understand that if Trump wins, people like Justice Ginsburg will be driven out of leadership in this nation.

In fact, if Trump wins, they are afraid that his ethics and his fanatical demands for allegiance by those who follow him will turn this country into one where people with disabilities, with the wrong skin color or ethnic background, the wrong gender, or who actually speak out with truth will become targets for the gun-toting White Supremacists who seem to be follow him like puppy dogs and every other bigot around.

I cannot think of one good reason for them to stay if Trump is elected, but then, I am 63 years old and female, so like many of my generation who understand the dangers of a Trump presidency, I am more inclined to stay and fight to remove him, even if it means facing civil war. I want my grandchildren to have a future, but with Trump I am not sure that would be possible for them here in the States. I want them to be safe, and if Trump is elected, they would be among those targeted as undesirable elements of the populace, being part Native American, female, single parent, or has mental health problems. Like Hitler before him, they would be considered undesirables in our society and they would be at risk, just as I would be for opposing Trump.

They say wars are fought by the very old and the very young, and I am afraid that this may be true in the near future. The very young will fight for something better, but the very old will fight because they understand that history is a harsh teacher and learning its lessons about freedom and liberty only comes with age and experience. The old will fight so that the next generation of young people might not have to do so, and to help this generations’ parents remember that lesson.

Your wife will not be alone in such an exodus, but I wonder if she will find the doors of other nations closed to her and people like my family because they are Americans, and we do not tend to assimilate well into other cultures. We may find ourselves not unlike the Syrians in their exodus from war, and perhaps with good reason if we elect someone as odious as Donald Trump.