Discussion: Donald Trump Says Ruth Bader Ginsburg's 'Mind Is Shot'

A low-yield firecracker would finish off Drumpf’s.

I think that’s a bit of overkill. Maybe this:

Mission accomplished for RBG. No insult can be ignored by the insecure paranoid megalomaniac, ever.

Now if only we can get the Pope to say something mildly uncomplimentary about him . . .


Now you know how the rest of us felt when you continued to not get dropped like a bag of stink poop during the primaries.

But I guess he is OK with SCOTUS crowning George W. Bush President in 2000 even though he LOST the election (by a large margin of the popular vote, and by the final count in Florida, 2 years later.)

Some people say RBG didn’t say anything Americans aren’t thinking. The other day my own wife asked me where in the islands I would like to move if Donald won. Sad.


Again I am reminded of just how much despised Scalia.

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“Her mind is shot - resign!”

donnie. you don’t bring a knife to a gunfight.


Yep. Her mind is so shot that she thinks she saw people calling for a moment of silence for the Dallas sniper.

(rolls eyes)


Donald trump of the GOP has embarrassed all by making
very dumb political statements about [fill in the blank]. His mind is shot - resign


And yet, SHE crossed the line. I don’t know what’s worse. The MEDIA for promoting this stuff, Trump for flapping his big nasty lips or the public for ‘weighing’ in on this as if a) they don’t know the history of this country or b) there is a lack of understanding of the Constitution of this country and what is a ‘law’, a ‘rule’ and/or just something they pull out of their butt.


She is breaking one unwritten, unofficial tradition in order to get Trump to follow a different voluntary tradition of releasing tax returns.

Who is Trump to judge ANYONE’s mental capabilities or insist on verbal restraints? Talk about “shot minds”, his has been riddled …


Her mind is fine. His mind is shot.


Love RBG, but on this one it would be wiser to resist the temptation to speak about a political candidate. Just saying.

Really? She may think that he is a modern version of Hitler, who poses an unparalleled threat to the world. I’m not an “11th commandment” type in general, but I don’t see why Democrats should jump all over each other to criticize Ginsburg for doing something which broke no law or rule, and which is far milder than what Republicans have been doing for years.
More Harry Truman Democrats giving Trump the hell of hearing the truth, please!


I’ve noticed that we, and all the media I’ve seen, have questioned the suitability of RBG saying something about a political candidate. Has anyone said she wasn’t correct?


What did RBG say that wasn’t factual?
What has Irwin Mainway aka Donald Trump said that was factual?



More Harry Truman Democrats giving Trump the hell of hearing the truth

Amen to that. We need far more people stepping up than just Clinton and Warren.


Heck, I imagine she could do it with dignity and class while sitting on a toilet, and leave us laughing to boot.

"They love me in New York…"