Discussion: Donald Trump Says Ruth Bader Ginsburg's 'Mind Is Shot'

Justice Ginsburg of the U.S. Supreme Court has embarrassed all by making very dumb political statements about me (DJTrump)

Now that’s the Trump we all know and (… well, you fill in the blank here) – making child-like retorts.


Well, someone was either off their meds or on their non-prescriptions late last night. Perhaps a combination of both?


RBG could out debate Trump on substance on any topic any where any time, and she could do it with dignity and class.


Oopsie! His handlers lost him again. He must have a hidden key to the rubber room.


Poor little Donnie, can dish it out against minorities, the handicapped, women, opponents and anyone else he deems a “loser,” but sure as hell cannot take it.

The man ( and I use the term man here very loosely) is just one big watb!


And at 83, she would wipe his 70 year old posterior off the floor.

Heck, I would pay to see that face to face confrontation.


When it comes to “shot” minds, no one knows better.


A low-yield firecracker would finish off Drumpf’s.


An 11-year-old could do the same and still have enough mental/physical capacity to play a full game of soccer (football) and then come home (preferably to your house!) and point out your lack of “cool” and the paucity of his/hers preferred groceries.

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Don`t worry people , Donnys just having his daily tantrump . /s

"I couldn’t believe it when I saw it," he said

Now you know how the rest of us felt when we saw your comments about Judge Curiel


Remind me again what the voting rates are of people in their mature years? The stupid bastard just cannot keep his mouth shut, no matter how much it might benefit him.


Someone managed to find his cell phone, huh? Guess Donny’s handlers just can’t hide it well enough. Keep on making a fool of yourself Hair Drumpf…proceed:


Her mind is shot? She spoke the truth with complete clarity. If anyone needs to apologize and shut the fuck up its Trump – but he can’t because he is insane.


Donnie, as opposed to you, a draft dodging coward and asshole loser, she has a mind, shot or not.

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"Every day was Opposite Day in the gaudy, gilded world of Trumpland."

BTW: Trump has mastered FOX Commentary 101: “When the truth about YOU is exposed, immediately accuse those who have exposed you of exactly the same thing. Shout it loudly and repeatedly and your ‘sh*t for brains’ depraved devotees will love you more for having said it.”


Well, assuming her mind is shot, she still has more smarts and more integrity than you’ll ever have.

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Her mind is shot

“If we cannot have moral feelings against homosexuality, can we have it against murder? Can we have it against other things?”

“There are those who contend that it does not benefit African Americans to get them into the University of Texas where they do not do well, as opposed to having them go to a less-advanced school, a slower-track school where they do well.”

“If the current society wants to outlaw discrimination by sex, you have legislatures.”

“Take the bread and butter courses. Do not take ‘law and women,’ do not take ‘law and poverty,’ do not take 'law and anything.”

“To my critics, I say, ‘Vaffanculo,’”

“If securing its territory in this fashion is not within the power of Arizona, we should cease referring to it as a sovereign State,”

“I think it is attributable, very likely attributable, to a phenomenon that is called perpetuation of racial entitlement… Even the name of it is wonderful: The Voting Rights Act. Who is going to vote against that in the future?”

—Antonin Scalia


Is that you, Dad? Why are you wasting time on the computer when you should be catering to my every whim?