GOP women will always take the dough, as their dignity flies out the window. DNA.
Expect nothing from GOP women.
So there are a lot of right wing women he can’t offend, but I can’t see how his big mouth and history won’t destroy him. I can’t even see how picking a woman as VP like Cruz is trying will make any difference.
Trump: I don’t really like American Bleeding Types. I buy them from Europe and bring them here, they are easier to handle.
What exactly is the “women card,”and how do you play it. If Trump ever tried to define it I bet it would sound idiotic, but if he is going use it I think he should.
The really bad part about polling like this…is its not just indicating he isn’t getting their votes; it indicates that they are extremely motivated to vote against him. Same thing is playing out among Hispanics which we already seeing are registering in much bigger numbers.
Its one thing when voters are “Eh, I dont like him much, I think I’ll go to the beach instead of standing in line today”…and its another when they are circling the date in red on their calendar and planning their entire week around standing in line to vote against him.
Yeah, annoy them and they’ll watch Dancing with the Stars reruns instead of voting. Piss them off and they’ll donate to your opponent, walk door to door and cast a vote against you.
It’s hard to quantify, but I’m just going to hope that thinking Trump is repellent encourages the typical unengaged voter to at least look past Clinton’s caricature as a brain-eating alien vampire and see her more as the class president type—not a revolutionary, but a hard worker who’ll see the prom and the class trip and so forth come off like in years past, and who might successfully argue with the assistant principal not to make gum-chewing a suspension on the first offense. If it’s one thing that’s emerging from recent research on how people form opinions, it’s that they think pretty much what they want to think. And if they decide they’d like to like Hillary even a little, they’ll probably do it.
It’s sort of like “Bomb the shit out of them.” You know, like a military directive the President Trump would issue to the Air Force. Or “Take all their oil.” Just go in there and take all their oil. And don’t bother me with the details.
Yup, I’ve been saying this for a while now. My mother-in-law is a perfect example. Typically votes Republican and is temperamentally conservative – has done pretty well with the system in place, so she’s not looking to rock the boat too much, preferring a slow and steady approach to politics and to life. But she’s not impressed by the bluster and ugly rhetoric. And she’s not motivated by the fear of the “other” or prejudice toward people not like her. She easily voted for people like John McCain or Mitt Romney, but she can’t stand Mr. Trump. My hunch is there are millions of women in suburbs all across the country who are just like her.
That makes much more sense.
And in real news:
The more Trump speaks, the more he hardens the resolve of women. Most of us have had to deal with the Trumps of this world all of our lives and we know that, while they may be able to soften their rhetoric, once they reveal their true selves, they don’t change.
Luckily, men like Trump are few and far between.
He could add Michelle Malkin to his ticket. That would totally solve both his women problem as well as his Asian one. See, I get the Trump thought process.
I was going to play the "man " card on my wife…but I thought better…
The Rude Pundit, Trump and Clinton!
Trump needs 58% of the white women vote…Currently that group has a 67% unfavorability rating
towards Donald Trump,you are looking at an outlier…
They’re mostly just eye candy, shlong holsters, and breeding machines. A lot of them are very costly, too.