Discussion: Donald Trump Directs His Birther Fire At Ted Cruz

The story in this is not if or if not Senator Cruz is eligible to be president. He is. It’s in the almost identical situation Cruz is in and Obama was in. Both born outside of the USA ( like John McCain ) and both to a father that was not an American. But both had American mothers and that is all they need to be an American and to be America’s President.

The only difference is in Cruz have taken foreign citizenship ( Obama did not ) and keeping it while a US Senator.

Until this face saver from Trump ( how many times do you think folks have asked him why he has no problem with Cruz’s citizenship ) no one made a peep out of Cruz’s birthplace. The MSM took cues all day, 24/7 from the GOP’ers when it was Obama in play. Long Forms, Born in Kenya…Muslim that went to a Madrassa…it would not stop. It still hasn’t. But not a peep about Cruz. The GOP’er reason for silence is obvious. But the media…you have to ask…WTF? If it was a story with Obama it’s a story with Cruz. If you were knowingly peddling BS of Obama why the reluctance to do it to Cruz?

This is one I do hope some Democrat has the balls to nail a “journalist” with. I won’t hold my breath though.

Just because Trump was born in this country to Orangutan parents does not qualify him to run, either.


OK Media. Let’s be fair. I want to hear more from Orly Taitz this week about Cruz. You gave her all kinds of attention against Obama. Give me more Orly…


The Rump might be just the one to knock Carnival Cruz down a peg, it’s hard to decide who to root against.

I guess Trump is looking for a vacay in Canada.

That’s a long way from Calgary. I wonder how Orly Taitz is dealing with THIS turn of events. She was sooo upset at the “Blah” person who was supposedly from Kenya…now we have a white guy verifiably and definitively birthed in the great state of … Alberta. What side will she come down on?

There may not be enough pop corn for this one.

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(lower case letters to fulfill TPM’s need to be “more descriptive”)


What he should be saying is that the tedster is just revving up that money machine just like he is.

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Trump led the charge on

Oh, fucking bullshit.

Hey, Daniel Strauss? Yeah. You.

Were you even out of grammar school during the 2012 election cycle?

The birther movement was initiated and going strong long before the Donald hitched his caboose to that trainwreck. Trump thought he could get mileage out of it for his bid in 2012, and he dumped a stupid amount of money into it, but he was one of the last people to sign on to it.

You’re thinking of that Oily Taint creature. The birther movement was barely being sustained by right wing life support when Trump gave it one last jolt for a few months.

Here’s a pro-tip: “journalism” is not “pulling shit out of your ass.” Unless, of course, you’re padding your resume to be a Fox News blogger. If so, then please proceed.


Um, excuse the fuck out of me, but President Obama was born in 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii. Hawaii became a State in 1959. There is no question that Obama was born in the United States. There never was.


I can’t stand to see you sad…


Both born outside of the USA ( like John McCain )…

What? The? Fuck?

Yeah, what datora said…


OK, I think I see what you’re saying. You don’t believe Obama was born elsewhere, you’re comparing media types who gave it credence, but will probably ignore Cruz? (Please tell me that’s what you’re saying! :slight_smile: )

Hell, if Arpaio won’t do it, I’ll go. I think every left-leaning site in the country should have a jpeg of Cruz’s Alberta birth certificate on its front page. Eh?

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It’s only fair.

This is what is the best part of it all though:

Cruz’s father, who was born in 1939 in Matanzas, Cuba,[22][23] “suffered beatings and imprisonment for protesting the oppressive regime”[22][27] of dictator Fulgencio Batista. He fought for Fidel Castro in the Cuban Revolution[28][29] when he was 14 years old, but “didn’t know Castro was a Communist.”[30] A few years later he became a staunch critic of Castro when “the rebel leader took control and began seizing private property and suppressing dissent.”

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Barack Obama was born in Hawaii.

I love this place some days.

you are a dangerous thinker and I love it. lol
can’t stop laughing over morning coffee.

Why shouldn’t we see his mother’s birth certificate or naturalization papers? We know his father wa not a citizen, and we know Ted was born in Canada. Why should we take his word for his mother’s citizenship at the time so his birth?

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Just for. Fun, why don’t you try posting even one sentence that is factual? I know it would be a challenge, but what really is the point of typing up a bunch of lies? Even a monkey can do that.

Was Cruz’s father Wet foot or Dry foot . Did he get the “Help” which is the Cuban American euphemism for government money

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