Discussion for article #237484
¨Inside the Mind of Trump¨
That’s a hell of a scary notion to start the day
I think I’m going back to bed now.
I wouldn’t go back to bed, you might have nightmares because now you have been “inside the mind of Donald Trump”. . .
What a wonderful “announcement”. Donald got the Mexican Government mad, illegally used a Neil Young song. All in just his “announcement”. . .
This should be interesting, wonder how he is going to save face when (NOT if) he withdraws from the race.
Narcissistic personality disordered middle-aged man now a bordering sociopath. I think his ego is so frustrated by being ignored so long while he somehow became so rich after so many bankruptcies, this is sort of his last hurrah. And he’ll be a very sore looser: a very dangerous man.
Let’s face it. He’s a very sick, sick man.
TRUMP - Keeping it Classy
Trump’s wealth is a vivid illustration of just how warped our economic system is. He’s a dim bulb whose business ventures fail, and fail, and fail, yet banks and other investors line up to lend him more money.
Sometimes I wonder if Trump isn’t really a really dedicated agent provocateur working on behalf of the Democrats.
That’s a very true and insightful comment on Trump and our system. Shaking my head that we’ve gotten to this ugly, brain-dead place in what was once a fine democratic republic.
The Comb-over has no mind…Vacuous and void ugly self-promoting liar and crook! Fodder for the comedians but the klown car is already full!
He is projectile vomit in action!
Trump…a gift to the Dems…
The bank account does not qualify the person for office. In this case the mind disqualifies the man.
“I have a Gucci store that’s worth more than Romney”
Not any more. What an ass.
As usual, Stewart was spot on:
Yesterday and all the days to come until The Trump Chump exits the race, will be YOOOOOOOOOOOOGEgasms for all of us! That Chia Headed Turdblossom is comedy gold!
Dupe. Wrong thread.
I just had a wild thought: Wouldn’t it be a hoot if, one day, The Donald held a press conference and revealed to us that for the past forty years, his entire act has been a piece of performance art? That it was all a big joke and that he’s been putting us on all these years, and that he’s been emulating his secret hero - ANDY KAUFMAN? What an incredible practical joke that would be on us - and so perfectly logical!
Tom Degan
Does the Donald know what lobbyists do? [Psst Donald–they typically don’t raise money for campaigns]
Inside Trump’s mind? He’s trapped in an oubliette filled neck-deep with avarice.