Pretty soon (if he’s still around), Sessions will be issuing his guidance to federal agencies about all the ways their employees and contractors can discriminate against LGBTQ people by citing religious beliefs.
The brief argues that because lesbian, gay and bisexual men and women get discriminated against equally, and homophobia isn’t rooted in the belief that one sex is superior to another, they can’t claim to be discriminated against on the basis of sex.
Thus proving that Separate but Equal targets of discrimination are perfectly within the intent of federal law.
Rolls eyes. I fully expected this with Sessions at the helm. After so much progress for us in the LGBTQ community, the righties’ panties have been kinked up for quite awhile … and this is just their way of pulling at their crotches to try and unkink. Right, Mr. Sessions?
edited for spelling
Will the CRA now cover mentally ill drug addicts instead?
Lot of this lately
New Rule: What Would a Dick Do? | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)
Ask me if I care if Trump fires Sessions.
Yea I don’t think the DOJ is going to win on that argument - it’s mind bogglingly irrelevant to the actual issue.
That’s hilarious. I skimmed their brief and see how they rely upon what courts have decided “until recently.” So because courts didn’t say that discrimination due to sexual orientation is the same as discrimination due to sex “until recently,” we should turn back the clock and pretend that’s still the case.
It truly is like they just want to erase Obama and everything that happened in the last eight years from the history books and get a do-over. Makes sense, seeing as how they never accepted him as a legitimate president at any time and still imagine he’s out to get them. It’s truly sad that anyone could fear one of the nicest and smartest people on the planet.
If Sessions could, he’d turn back the clock to 1857 when the Dred Scott decision was still hot off the presses.
Isn’t this a good reason for Justice Kennedy to stay around? Or might it go down as settled law? I’m not a lawyer.
I’m sure Ivanka’s going to step in any second and help out here, right guys?
I’d say it’s just another solid reason for Justice Kennedy to keep his seat. It’d be great if the case actually worked its way up to SCOTUS and they settle it … for our side. Sessions just may be unknowingly doing us a favor – provided Kennedy stays put.
Care about “KKK” Sessions, the individual? Phhhhhffffttt!
I care about firing Sessions only because it’s the prelude to hiring a patsy to replace him as AG.
Who will then be ordered (like Nixon ordered Bork) to fire the special prosecutor, Robert Mueller.
And then we’ll have a REAL Constitutional Crisis.
Trump thinks “identity politics” is a net win for the GOP. I think we’ll see them kick this hornets nest a lot.
According to Maddow last night, Ivanka just hired her own personal defense attorney. She may not be around long enough to give daddy any more advice.
Well, since he can’t help shooting his bigoted mouth off he might as well call it a strategery.
When the news broke yesterday about the military transgender issue and today’s news on the Civil Rights Act, I thought to myself, “I thought we were past all of this nonsense.”
I guess not.
I don’t think this argument is going anywhere. It’s the kind of argument someone comes up with when there isn’t anything.
I can’t imagine the SCOTUS saying this argument is correct - they have nothing to base that on except this argument and that’s not enough in my opinion, anyway.