Discussion: Documents: Ted Cruz Ticketed For Alcohol Possession As A Minor

If alcohol possession as a minor is a huge deal, most of America is in big trouble.

Good one to save for if Cruz goes after an opponent for what they did when they were younger (smoke weed, etc.). Otherwise no big deal whatsoever.

WOW, Just WOW JohnFlob. As we say to all trolls, welcome and enjoy the show.

Staying 3 steps above HP should not be hard. You can stay 3 steps above HP by withholding the daily “wardrobe malfunction” stories.

I already know all I need to know about the views of conservatives.

Essentially, screw things up for the real Americans - and especially that guy with the nerve to be Presidentin’ While Black.

Too many of them Seagram’s mojitos, 'eh Rafael?

Jason Segel as Ted Cruz!

And this is news because…

Absolutely. Who cares? I got one of those tickets too.

As long as any of us are alive we’re going to make foolish mistakes. That’s what humans do. However, Cruz isn’t making foolish mistakes. His behavior has been well calculated and carried out with extreme malice. It’s a mistake to think his actions are mistakes.

As far as I’m concerned, this is the first positive thing I’ve ever read about Senator Cruz.

Oh, please. How can we raise the level of political discourse with shit like this?

Seriously TPM?

Those illegal immigrants are a bunch of Rummies!

If the media was on the ball they’d talk with Teddy’s circle at Harvard. Teddy enjoyed his share of weed, cocaine, and speed during finals. Teddy is not who his wife thinks he is!

You’d think that might actually make him seem like an actual human.
But , , , , , , , naaaaahhhhh.

While this revelation explains much about the current state of his (and I use the word loosely) “Brain,” It was my general impression that juvenile records, in the courts, if not in the Senate, were sealed when one turns 18 or 21. So how and why are we hearing about this now?
Granting for a moment that the media set a new record low by not asking about the Village Idiot and his record as a frat party boy while he was campaigning and being allowed to steal two teams as President.
I will be the first to admit that Cruz has no place in the Senate, But his is only the first on what is an ever growing list of names.
This is campaign season fodder, put out by someone who wants to quash the horrid prospect of this moron being placed in even higher offices. But the thing that scares me most about this story is that in was put out by someone who is as big a moron as Cruz is, and is also seeking higher elective office.
This story in and of itself is forgettable, and even forgivable in the age of the “low information” (Read: Low IQ) voter.
But it does indicate to anyone who can think the quality of the “campaign” going on among the moron fringe in the Grumpy Old Party. and that should frighten everyone. (Providing that they can stop laughing long enough to think cogent thoughts.)