Discussion: DNC Vice-Chair Resigns To Throw Support Behind Sanders

But never forget that Bernie being in the race has made progressive issues be out in the open and he will have made Hillary a better candidate.


She voted in the affirmative, due to the cherry picked intel that was provided to senate members at that time.

If she has to drag a ‘figurative cross’ up to Calvary, where’s George Tenet’s?


I think you’re right about hurting her career. From what I’ve heard, she leans more rightward given HI’s general Democratic position. I got the impression from her winning that seat that she was the lesser of evils and the fact that she’s a veteran is also double good. After that, her appeal goes down in droves. For her, it’s about self promotion. No sense of Party affiliation and loyalty; just all about Tulsi.

When Clinton wins, I don’t really see a viable path for her within the Party.


that is yet to be seen, if he helped or hurt Dems.


Well she could an interesting version of the ‘bubble dance’. and maybe that could have gotten her notice.



Actual Tulsi constituent here. I agree with those above who view this move cynically. Given her hawkish stances and conservative family, this has to be a political calculation. Unlike others I think it might be a smart one. The Sanders bloc of young voters is the future of the party. She’s got a long career ahead of her. She may be running against Sen. Hirono in 2018; certainly for the Senate sometime soon. M


Hillary Clinton has spent her entire political life as a feminist advocating for women and children. Her work and long record seems to be getting buried under all the invective currently being piled on her, which for the most part, I believe, is generated by the opposition party and those who fear her election to the presidency. Young women have very little idea of what she has done, and the barriers she and other women helped to tear down in the workplace, and in the world at large. She has worked long and hard in third world countries (often accompanied by her daughter) helping the most downtrodden of all women in our world. We are one of the few developed countries which has not had a woman at its helm, and I welcome what seems to be the movement in that direction.



A scintillating hula with tiki lamps in back of her on the beach at Waikiki with a catamaran off in the distance at sunset would have been a grabber also.


coughs some of my beer up

Beer, it’s not just for breakfast any more (sign in a local liquor store).


but seeing how they disguise it (Best Damn Root Beer), its great for Sunday afternoons.


Not sure how her father’s views are her fault. I don’t judge Hilary by the views of her father, and my own father’s views were way different from mine.

Seems like odd timing for that, coming on the day when most pundits are (again) trumpeting Hillary’s (near) “inevitability.” And with greater credibility than ever before, given the SC results.

Again, I don’t know much about Tulsi, but based on what I do know, it seems like the simplest explanation is that she’s acting out of principle. There may be an argument to the contrary, but the one you’re suggesting doesn’t make much sense to me. given the timing.

Edit: @repleh makes a more plausible argument for self-promotion, based on the fact that she’s young and Bernie’s winning young voters, and thus she might anticipate that her support for Bernie might pay electoral dividends for her further down the road.

But I still think the largest factor is probably her experience as an Iraq war vet and a concern that Hillary would be much more likely to embrace similar military blunders in the future.


Well, sure…but he’s not running for President.

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Well said.


Endorsements don’t mean much unless it was Obama endorsing one of the candidates. Now that would be a big fuckin deal

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As one of her constituents, you really think that by her supporting an Independent Socialist for POTUS is going to endear her to the Hawaiian Democratic Party?


So the guy who’s responsible for one of history’s greatest misnomers gets a pass, right?

Now the president has made clear from one that he wasn’t against war, but that he wasn’t a friend of stupid wars. Did Bernie lay out what’s his plan or thoughts on when American military power should be used?


“I think it’s most important for us, as we look at our choices as to who our next commander in chief will be, is to recognize the necessity to have a commander in chief who has foresight, who exercises good judgment,” Gabbard said on NBC News’ “Meet the Press.”

Well, there was this article in the NYT. It speaks directly to the Gabbard´s concerns.


Thanks. That makes my day.

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Typical TPM, we get Debbie Wasserman Shultz empty statement, but no details about Rep. Tulsi Gabbard and her reasons for her resignation and the timing of it other than she supports Sanders. I would guess the stench of corruption in the Democratic party was just too much for her, I know the favoritism and propaganda and lawbreaking to support Clinton has me almost a former Democrat.