Discussion: DNC Vice-Chair Resigns To Throw Support Behind Sanders

Discussion for article #246588

Thank you, and goodbye.


Interesting timing. Don’t know much about her, so I’m not sure what’s going on here.


Oh shit. While voting yesterday I overheard some people say that the only reason they’re not voting for Bernie is that he doesn’t have the endorsement of the DNC vice-chair.


And you’re basing your support for Bernie as Commander in Chief on…??? He’s shoutier? Knows less than Clinton about foreign affairs? Grumpier? Determined to blame Wall Street for every single thing that happens that isn’t ideal? ]

What exactly is it that makes you think he would be a better COC?


It appears that the most important issue to her is the Iraq War vote. Given her own experiences, I think that’s quite understandable.


This is a huge blow to Sanders anti establishment cred, i predict massive loses on super Tuesday due to this.


Bernie, to his credit, is not trying to sugar-coat the South Carolina loss:

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) didn’t sugarcoat things Sunday morning when discussing the results of Saturday night’s Democratic primary in South Carolina, where Hillary Clinton defeated him by a margin of 73 percent to 26 percent.

“We got decimated,” he said on ABC’s This Week. “We got decimated. The only positive thing for us is we won … the 29 years of age and younger vote. And that was good. But we got killed.”


“As one of the first female combat veterans to serve in Congress and the first American Samoan and Hindu member of Congress, Congresswoman Gabbard is a role model who embodies the American ideal that anyone can dream big and make a difference,”

Thank you for your service to this country.

Bernie has spent his entire political life fighting for the middle class, seniors, veterans, and the poor. It’s gratifying when we see others that will fight for him, too, which is actually fighting for all of us except billionaires.


It would be understandable if we were talking about W or another Republican because Hillary did not start that war. That is W’s war, no matter who in Congress voted yes.


Then again, that spread is hard for anyone to sugar-coat. I honestly think everyone was surprised – I was.

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Does this mean she will STOP secretly meeting with Lindsey Graham, John Barrasso and Rick Santorum to undermine President Obama’s strategy to fight ISIL ?

Santorum slipped and revealed it on an interview at the 2015 CPAC event last year.



I cannot stand her…


I’m afraid Ms Clinton is going to need help to offset this move. Perhaps DWS could also resign and join the Clinton campaign directly?


This is excellent news…



In any other presidential election year, this might be almost important news. But with the MSM gorging on Trumpism with a dash of Cruz and Rubio on the side, Gabbard would have to make her statement while simultaneously throttling a Gerbil and sledge-hammering a grand piano, live, on the air, to gain any attention.


I guess it’s possible Bush would have still invaded without the blessing of Congress, but I doubt it.

Of course Bush is more responsible than Hillary, but as a member of Congress, she actively helped him. That’s just a fact. She is responsible for her actions, and thus is partly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and thousands of Americans, and the continuing clusterfuck that helped spawn ISIS. It’s a dishonor she shares with many, including, sadly, many Democrats who were in Congress at the time (and virtually all Republicans, of course).

I realize this is a hard fact for some Hillary supporters to face up to, but the good news (from a pro-Hillary point of view) is that most Democrats seem more than willing to vote for her anyway. As will I, if she’s the nominee. But in the meantime, this was a pretty big fuck-up on her part, and she gets to take her lumps on it, just as Bernie does on some of his past votes on, say, gun manufacturer liability.


it also doesn’t help that she made it shortly before Sanders loses a path to winning.


Tulsi and I share the same island home, and I have supported her in the past. Her father, Michael was the de facto leader of the (failed) attempt at refusing basic rights to the LGBT community. Once he realized he lost that, he became a Roman Catholic (in appearance) and made a big show of attending mass … and yes, like Tulsi, he is a Hindu. He then switched to the Democratic Party so he could win a government salary. Once in he became oddly silent, but sure is cashing those paychecks. Tulsi, of late, has been very good at self-promotion. My respect for he is lessening with each very public pronouncement. I think she’s angling for a VP position should Bernie win.


It won’t matter and it could hurt Gabbard’s career. Nate Silver has been right on his primary predictions so far. I’m going with him. fivethirtyeight.com


And when Hillary wins, where does she go then?