Discussion: DNC Ties New 'Criminal' Leak To Trump, Russia

After Stone’s awful movie about the JFK killing it is hard for me to believe anything he puts out as truthful.


Love your extra wide paint brush there, Omahhum. Didja get it at your local friendly Ace Hardware? When didja say you were moving to Putinland? or did I get that wrong? And if this is snark you need to practice some.


Why on Earth would either of them want to behave like you?

Face it, Comrade Humjob----no one here buys the shit you’re peddling. So go back to dreaming of your one true love, Li’l Vladimir the Impotent.

We’re laughing at you pretty consistently.


Ma Donna mia, that’s gonna hurt

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O I hope so.

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My god, I saw a “premier” of that movie in DC near the Cleveland Park Metro…it looks like it may be a chain theatre now…and what a bore. Back and to the left, back and to the left.

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more like #deplorable-enabler

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Yeah, your guys Putin and Lavrov totally pawned our laughable idiot on Ukraine

It seems like just yesterday when President Obama told them, “Nice economy ya got there, comrades. Sure would be a shame if anything happened to it.”


Um, Josh, can you get rid of that ad for Prime at the bottom of my screen? I know you need the money and everything but it’s driving me nuts.


LOL. He should also be smelling the armpit to enhance the memory effect.

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Or those 22 million White House emails Bush failed to preserve and which HE stored illegally on the private server of the RNC.


Every November 22 we find out just how much people bought what Stone put out in that film. CIA, the military, the Mafia, Cubans, gay hedonists in New Orleans, any one of them could have done it, we’re told. (If I were pressed I’d go with the Mafia).

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. . . written by Richard Condon and starring Angela Lansbury


People you never heard of doing things you don’t care about, sez The Old Man.

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Why would I give two shits about what Oliver Stone thinks about anything.

What’ caused his major malfunction? Too many drugs?

Oh, right. He has the deplorable gene.

Hope they’re working on a cure for this horrible affliction.

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Excuse me. My wife is related to Arnold, and he was a patriot long before he ever became a traitor.

Something that no one can ever say about Trump.


You mean another grifter?


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This + Newsweek shadowy connections story = boom!

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Trump’s Commie connection just gets more ominous with each hacking Putin does to American computers. What did Donald think he would accomplish by publicly encouraging this national security breach?

It looks so unpatriotic and suspicious to be praising the former head of a ruthless KGB spy agency. Not even the Palin People feel comfortable with Trump’s bromance with this fascist Soviet dictator.

For Christ’s sake, we have military personnel in the field in the Middle East who are being put at risk by Russia’s continuing computer hacking and support for Assad. What do we have to lose with Donald playing footsies with Putin? Far too much.

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