Discussion: DNC Chair: Sanders Response To Nevada Chaos Not 'Acceptable'

While she is correct i hope she is prepared for a new wave of threats from Saint Bernard supporters and deadbeat Sanders himself.


I’m all for him getting his message out and letting people in California say their piece, but damn. He’s gone way, way beyond that and the number of people that think he has a chance to win or that this thing is being stolen from him is crazy.


Can Bernie be excommunicated from the Democratic Party? As far as I know, he hasn’t taken his final vows yet.


The blind allegiance to Hillary at any cost is what’s hurting the Democratic Party.

It’s really not a surprise that the Actual Liberals are fed up with the shady insiders.

What’s NOT acceptable is the DNC having been a cheerleader for Hillary from the get-go, making it clear they were dedicated to getting Her the nomination, regardless of what any mere voter said.


She has zero credibility and needs to step down.


He has exceeded conventional expectations - and is far closer than most would have projected - but he is going to finish in second place - now the key question is - since he has nearly absolute zero allegiance to the Democratic Party - will he freely allow his righteous indignation & his anger at finishing second to just hijack the party, the convention & the election - basically doing a Thelma & Louise & take the whole thing into the Grand Canyon?


The whole primary process is not a democratic process when 15% of the votes are controlled by super-delagates. Wasserman-Schultz has been a disaster as DNC Chair. The party has done nothing but lose seats everywhere under her leadership.


“… and it goes without saying that I condemn any and all forms of violence, including the personal harassment of individuals.”

That’s not strong enough?

“…and it goes without saying that I strongly condemn any and all forms of violence, including the personal harassment of individuals.”

There is that better? No? OK

“…and it goes without saying that I VERY STRONGLY condemn any and all forms of violence, including the personal harassment of individuals.”

OK that’s all I got.

I mean what the fuck is he supposed to say?


Did you read his actual response?


The whole primary process is not a democratic process when 15% of the votes are controlled by super-delagates.

Bullshit. A political party has every right to determine who its delegates are going to be, and the notion that giving dedicated party elected officials, volunteers and activists a say in selecting the nominee is somehow “undemocratic” is a complaint that you only hear from the candidate who is behind. As far as complaining about “not a democratic process,” Clinton is leading in overall primary votes, and yet you assert that it’s unfair that she has more delegates. That’s rich.

Wasserman-Schultz has been a disaster as DNC Chair. The party has done nothing but lose seats everywhere under her leadership.

Believe it or not, I agree with you. Clinton has not benefitted one iota by having that payday loan shark-friendly hack as DNC chair, and the DNC bears a great deal of responsibility for not successfully dealing with the horrible turnout issues in 2010 and 2014.


Trump says he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and get more supporters.

Bernie could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and it’d be the establishment’s fault for putting someone in the way of the bullet.


He needs to admit it happened and apparently was encouraged from within his campaign apparently by himself. That would cover it.


He does that while in the same statement listing bullet points of what Lange “did” that was fraudulent…even it wasn’t…and it has been noted several times in various publications that what happened in NV was above board.

He could have condemned the threats without continuing on about how corrupt the NV dems were. Bernie was essentially saying “I don’t condone violence but she kind of deserved it.”


Just read it. If that’s not good enough, then what is it exactly he’s suppose to say. And does he have to be down on his knees when he says it?

This is so fucking DWS/Clinton classic bullshit. Pile on all you want but don’t come looking for our votes in November and in 2018 when Hillary buries Bernie’s message and returns to the status quo like Obama did in 2010. More of the same will change nothing.


DWS needs to resign as Chair of the party…she’s a Hillary and Bill surrogate and has rigged the primaries.

DWS + Clinton’s = wolves (Republicans) in sheep’s clothing.

The reason Trump has risen is because the Clinton Democratic Party has failed to fight for labor OVER the big corporations and the billionaires. The money flowing into the Clinton foundation might as well say Koch Industries!

Bernie is a slam dunk over Drumpf! Hillary is the most well know woman in the world and all the campaigning in the world won’t change the pro-monopoly Clinton policies of the past and their agenda going forward.


Yeah, such a pity if they actually foresaw the need for a candidate who could beat the Republicans in the General and run the country responsibly as President.
As opposed to a one note wonder Angry Man.


What’s the point of her saying this? It doesn’t help anything for the party campaign. Either you agree with her already and like it or you think Sanders is getting a raw deal and this is more proof. Her saying anything isn’t going to help the party unify. There might not be anything that will, in which case a non-answer isn’t bad.

Maybe she’s trying to support the Nevada party people being threatened. That’s laudable but to the extent she needs to do so publicly, she should denounce the people doing the threatening, not a campaign statement.


“Pile on all you want but don’t come looking for our votes in November and in 2018 when Hillary buries Bernie’s message”

You’ll show them! In any case, Mr. Trump will no doubt be a far better representative of Bernie’s Noble Message than Hillary.


I read this article when I wrote this. Read some of Josh’s comments after about internal word of mouth info that Bernie says to fellow workers, if not when the mic is on. So my comment was based on public info and specifically Wasserman’s comments that the apology he did give wasn’t enough. From just the public info Bernie’s statement seemed like enough. If he’s saying or doing these other things behind the scenes then maybe not. And even without all this I’ve stated I think he should concede so Hillary can focus on Trump.