I didn’t say that the party doesn’t have the “right to determine who its delegates are going to be.” I said the process is not democratic. Which it isn’t.
In my opinion, “dedicated party elected officials, volunteers and activists” should have a say like everybody else: one vote at a polling place. That is what real democracy looks like.
I did not say anything about Clinton or Sanders or about who is winning or not.
So we’re stuck with a 2-party system that is undemocratic and controlled by tribalists. And you seem fine with that. I am not.
Sanders is far behind in the popular vote. Sanders is far behind in the pledged delegate count. Sanders will not be nominated. If the process was more democratic, the outcome would not budge.
This is so similar to statements from Republicans that bitch and moan about all the havoc Obama has wreaked on the US since being president, And I just have to ask where in the hell do you live that you think the US has gone down hill since Bush left office and the economy was in the tank.
But for those on the far left it’s not that Obama took us down since Bush left, but instead that nothing has happened and we’re still where we were. And again I have to ask where the hell do you live? We got health care for many, yea it still needs to be improved some more, we got some removal from the mid-east but yeah we need more, we got some improvement in treatment of people of non-traditional male/female roles/sex but we need more.
I mean god damn, the one thing far left and far right can agree on is it’s all my way or nothing.
Sorry that’s just never going to happen in any kind of human endeavor without killing off everyone you disagree with and that’s only going to leave one person. All forms of government are about compromise, some to accommodate the most folks, others to get a majority to agree enough to ok by voting for it.
I predict Hillary will win, we’ll continue to see progress to the left that benefits a lot, if not all people, and yet at the next election extreme voters will still bitch and moan and say we’ve gone down hill or stayed the same as if they live in a completely different country.
Edit: These extreme folks remind me of that black kid that had far right rants on youtube, then suddenly switch to giving far left rants. His brash music hadn’t changed, just his lyrics. Seems like this happens sometimes with folks that are extremely religious and try to tell everyone to accept their god, then they go atheist and tell everyone to believe god is a lie.
Doesn’t matter what they believe, they are just insistent everyone else believe exactly what they believe or they are idiots.
You all seem to think Bernie is the story. Bernie is just a politician who saw a disconnect between the Democratic party establishment and a lot of Democrats outside Washington. He is not the story. The story is the Democratic establishment has lost contact with its idealistic roots. Bernie Bros are shaking up the party. Too bad a lot of people like DWS don’t understand the party needs a good shaking.
Will Bernie succeed, no, but the future of the party rests with those young Bernie supporters who bring energy and idealism to their politics.
If you are a cynical old gray hair willing to settle for anything less than the ideal, you better watch out. There is an idealistic young person about to eat your lunch. Settling is what you do when you need to take a rest before starting again. If the Party can’t get up and start moving forward, the Party is as good as dead.
“Within the last few days there have been a number of criticisms made
against my campaign organization. Party leaders in Nevada, for example,
claim that the Sanders campaign has a ‘penchant for violence.’ That is
nonsense,” he said in the statement. “Our campaign has held giant > rallies all across this country, including in high-crime areas, and > there have been zero reports of violence.”
Nice dodge, but no one accused Sanders’ supporters of violence at Sanders rallies.
Sanders support, whatever it is, exists in part because party politics gives us tools like Wasserman Shultz over and over. She, along with people like Rahm Emanuel and Chuck Schumer reflect soul of the Democratic Party. And spare me the comparison to what the Republicans offer. These dolts suck on their own merits
At least she shows she’s got more balls than Reince - walk all over me and pass me the Baileys - Preibus.
Sanders is talking more shit about the Democrats than the Republicans now, I think he’s going to go full Nader.