Discussion for article #243940
Yet another high-handed move by DWS that creates the appearance of favoritism toward HRC. She’s scheduled a debate for Saturday night, when anyone watching TV will not want to watch the debate (there’s a NFL game on, and as a Jets fan, I’ll be watching that instead), and the next debate is scheduled during the NFL playoffs. I say this as someone who supports HRC (I feel the Bern too): it’s beyond time for DWS to step down as chair of the DNC.
(replying to myself here…)
Furthermore, these debates are not for the political junkies and other Dem voters who have made up their minds–they’re supposed to be for the undecided Dems, as well as open-minded Independent voters and even Republicans (if any of those unicorns still exist). How many of those folks are going to want to spend their Saturday night watching the Democrats debate? Not many, and she knows it! She’s afraid a good showing by Bernie might cause some people to switch to him, so her debate schedule is the political equivalent of the old four-corners offense–slow down the game, and take time off the clock. Terrible approach for the party, which has a chance to offer voters a real, intelligent alternative to the insanity of the GOP. Horrible.
wouldn’t it appear to be “favoritism” toward Bernie, if they gave him a dispensation.
I’m planning to vote for Hillary Clinton, but this wench has me rethinking that. If I want that kind of blatant political backstabbery, I’ll join the GOP. My feeling was that Bernie Sanders, while a laudable person with a great message just was frankly, a little too old and not physically strong enough for a job that has aged Barack Obama a good 25 years… But the hell with it, if Debbie WS is going to play this game, I’ll do my utmost to see that it blows up in her face.
I wonder what cabinet-level position Debbie’s figuring she’ll get in the Clinton Administration.
I have no problem with this penalty; it would have been given to the Clinton campaign as well. Which apparently is a better run, smarter campaign.
This is pathetic on the DNC’s part. Even if everything they claim is true, nothing done here was illegal. It isn’t like the Sanders campaign hacked the server or gained access through some other nefarious means. The DNC is the one at fault here. I wouldn’t be half surprised to find out Hillary’s campaign did the exact same thing, but DWS is just not mentioning that so she has another excuse to make it harder for Sanders to gain traction. I have never seen such blatant favoritism toward one candidate from either party as what DWS has been doing ever since Bernie started gaining momentum. She needs to be removed.
its DWS, not DWC…Debbie Wasseran-Schultz. The debate scheduling was pretty chowederheaded, though the big problem with tomorrow night’s isn’t an NFL game (the GOP scheduled a debate opposite a World Series game, and still managed to beat it in the ratings), the bigger conflict is the release of Star Wars.
But even beyond the stupidness of scheduling every debate on a Saturday night, the Democratic debates jut don’t have that much to offer. Hillary is clearly the leader, and its very doubtful she is going to trip over herself during a debate…she is much more competent than that. Its the lack of a sizable and credible field that is hurting our ratings.
But, my expectation on this particular issue is that Clinton will make a call tomorrow night during the debate for DWS to remove the ban, and that will be that.
Actually, no. It really isn’t an unfair move against the Sanders campaign. Clearly, Bernie had absolutely nothing to do with this at all, and it’s a shame his campaign has to suffer because of the stupidity of the few. To blame DWS for others’ bad behavior is just silly. Multiple people accessed, downloaded, and stole proprietary information from the Clinton campaign. That’s wrong and should be punished, and it doesn’t somehow become less wrong because Bernie’s a good guy and doesn’t deserve this shit. He really doesn’t!
That said, it’s very indicative of so much of what I’ve seen of the Bernie camp. Browbeating the hell out of Clinton supporters, seemingly going as far out of their way as humanly possible to piss off minority voters (right, I know, Killer Mike endorsed him so something something something), and trashing Clinton as viciously as any Republican would. The tactics and behavior reminds me exactly of the Clinton folks in '08, Hopefully, this little dust up will be the wake up call these people need because they’re doing a great man an incredible disservice.
Exactly, it just strikes me as childish to whine that the DNC is rightfully punishing a campaign for blatant wrongdoing. I have no doubt at all that these same folks would take to the streets with pitchforks if the Clinton campaign had done the same and without facing repercussions.
They did it to Lessig and now it’s Bernie’s turn. Clinton has the nomination sown up so what are they afraid of? All the talk about cleaning up the system! I will not vote for a Republican and these shenanigans are making me uneasy about the Democratic Party. Once again the only choice is to go with the lesser evil and do my bit to keep Trump/Cruz/Rubio out. But it is depressing!
Forget it Debbie…it’s time for you to step down from the DNC and just become a fulltime worker for Clinton. Stop using the Committee to get your candidate out there.
This is a stupid move. I’m surprised the Clinton Campaign hasn’t said something to stop it. Fact is, pissing off Sanders supporters is no way to get their votes if she wins the nomination.
DWS is a thorn in the side of many Democrats. She certainly seems to generate a lot of antagonism.
I understand that one’s position on which candidate is best suited to be president may alter one’s opinion of this issue, but for those who think this decision is extreme at this critical time, there is a Move On petition you can sign.
In the interest of full disclosure, I signed it.
Then you would be dead cold wrong. As I said, I support Hillary. And it is far from proven that Sanders staffers downloaded anything as DWS has accused them of doing (the software vendor has stated unequivocally that they didn’t, and the fired staffer for Bernie says they didn’t and weren’t trying to but were instead trying to determine the extent of the firewall breach). It also seems rather highhanded of Ms. Wasserman-Schultz to pronounce judgement before the facts can be ascertained, and to execute the sentence so quickly. It looks very partisan.
You know, I really don’t think the Sanders people understand how they (sometimes) come across. I understand that not all of them are as overzealous but, man! If you go on DailyKos, you would swear this is a concocted scheme between the DNC and the Clinton camp to personally destroy Bernie and the future of America. My personal feeling is that this situation is indicative of Bernie not quite being ready to run a national campaign versus a regional one.
Those staffers didn’t just go into the files and “look around.” They saved information that they weren’t privy to.
Bernie needs to back away from this and calm things down on his side.
What facts still need to be ascertained?
No one is disputing that someone on the Sanders staff accessed data they were not allowed to access.
Greg Sargent has more on this here.
“The degree to which the Sanders campaign should bear the blame for what happened remains unclear. The Sanders campaign claims that the data breach was the fault of the vendor that gives campaigns access to the data, which (the Sanders camp argues) erroneously dropped the “firewall” that protects each camp’s data. The Sanders camp also notes that it fired the staffer responsible for accessing the Clinton info. That fired staffer has now told CNN that he did not attempt to take Clinton data and was merely trying to determine how badly the Sanders camp’s data had been compromised by the fallen firewall.”