Discussion: Discouraged And Angry Supporters Keep Trump Leading In The Polls

They are among the dozens of voters interviewed in the past two weeks by The Associated Press to understand how Trump has defied the laws of political gravity.

Uniting them is a deep-rooted anger and frustration with the nation’s political leaders — President Barack Obama and conservative Republicans who, these voters say, haven’t sufficiently stood up to the Democratic administration.

and the irony would be that Boehner would need Democratic support to prevent a future one from happening.

That quote blew my effing mind! The balls for someone to say something so fucking dumb! I’m sorry…I get very riled up when I read this stupid shit. The idiot who said this clearly doesn’t understand that it’s people like himself, Trump, Cheney and Dubya who make us the laughing stock of the world. Not the guy who uses diplomacy and sending other people’s children off to die is his VERY LAST resort! Not the guy who actually got Bin Laden…Not the guy who got healthcare for 15,000,000 people and counting. Obama is the reason WE AREN’T a laughing stock, Ken Brand…you asshole! You dumb, hillbilly asshole!


It’s funny how all the pundits, professional and non-professional alike, cannot stand the fact that Trump is leading; they just do not like being “trumped.”

Holy crap. Read the comments on that article.

The same people who loudly decried some of Obama’s actions as unpresidential, such as rolling up shirts sleeves or carrying a coffee, now applaud like children when the Trumpster says something acridly racist or shallow. They delight in agreeing ‘he thinks like I do’.

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Has Obama actually vetoed anything of importance?

Nothing I can bring to mind. The problem isn’t Congress v Obama. It’s Congress v Congress.

Or, increasingly House vs House. The Senate seems a little more sane than the House at present.

“You’ve got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know… morons.”


HE can’t be bought like the others and he’s to Rich to steal GO DONALD GO

Discouraged and angry?? Why aren’t they angry at the do-nothing congress they voted in??
They must have been furious with the last administration!

The anger and frustration are completely justified but the target selection is 180 degrees off. Overwhelmingly, the greatest enemy of the shrinking and stagnating American middle class is the American businessmen who’ve hogged 40 years worth of productivity gains to themselves.

The Rump is no richer today than if he’d parked his inheritance into an index fund. Without his entertainment royalties, predicated on the pure bullshit notion that he’s a savvy entrepreneur, he substantially underperforms the market.

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““He just keeps repeating things over and over again. And you all just accept it for the truth, and it’s not,” Bush told reporters …”

Haha! That’s been the Republican strategy for years. Just keep repeating your lies! Glad to see that Trump is derailing the Republicans based on their own methods.

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I think this is a scary phenomenon that must be taken seriously.

There is a large segment of our population that feels the system isn’t working the way it’s supposed to. Let’s face it, the vast majority of politicians at the national level are simply there to get rich off the bribes (contributions) they get from the wealthy and corporations who want (and get) something from them. They totally ignore the needs and wishes of their constituents.

As a result, these people are attracted to someone (no matter what an asshole they are) who breaks the mold and who they feel (foolishly) could change the whole risk/reward formula for the middle class.

I think this shows a possible political climate in which a moron like Trump could actually be elected President. And, if that were to happen, the country would probably suffer damage that could possibly destroy the USA.

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33% of the US electorate identify as republican, The dumpster has support of 23% of that rabid crowd which = 7% of the whole electorate…

Granted they are the vocal and angry demented group but none the less…


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The media wants to pretend that Trump supporters are not simply Republicans who hate the same people and things they’ve always hated.

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Let’s not forget that Trump’s major appeal is to the racist base of the GOP, please.

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Trump isn’t doing well nationally. You’re talking like the full American voting populace is all in for Trump. He’s still a huge joke to most people. Winning over the most ignorant sub-set of the Republican party is anything but “doing well”.

It’s not denial. It’s an understanding that it’s a bit more nuanced than building a fence, or rounding up and deporting millions of people - both logistical nightmares if not downright impossible. He’s kicking around a vital demographic (Hispanic voters) who will only serve in decimating him in a hypothetical national election, and he’s pissing off rational people with racist, misogynistic, and all around toxic rhetoric. If you actually think Trump is onto something that’s going to somehow be a net positive for him on a national level, you’re delusional.

Edit: For clarity/grammar


I agree.

“He just keeps repeating things over and over again. And you all just accept it for the truth, and it’s not,” Bush told reporters in New Hampshire on Thursday.

Kinda like “we create our own reality”.

Too bad no Republican seems to have watched Star Trek’s “The Menagerie”.

Ask Snowden.

Well said. I agree with your post completely.