Discussion: Discouraged And Angry Supporters Keep Trump Leading In The Polls

He’s a fascist. That’s all there is to it.
And don’t take my word for it. Here’s an article accurately describing what’s going on, from a conservative source.



“Many appear convinced that the sheer force of Hitler’s personality can reverse 2 decades of European realignment, and that his pledges to rid the country of people living in our Deutchland illegally, will penalize imported goods, will restore manufacturing jobs lost, and boost an economy still scarred by the recession.”

Only 4 words were changed from a quote in this article.
The slippery-slope is now open as an amusement ride.



I really don’t know what to say about Trump supporters that wouldn’t be downright insulting to them. The notion that because he talks tough he will be “tough” is just ludicrous, and the notion that “toughness” is what we need internationally is equally idiotic. These people are under the impression that Obama has been weak and that we don’t get any respect from other countries, but they are totally clueless. That’s a myth spread by Fox News, Limbaugh, etc. but is totally untrue. It’s just discouraging that so many people are so stupid about the important issues facing us today and the importance of a President having the right qualities. One can only hope that a lot of the support Trump has in the polls comes from people who won’t vote.


“‘He just keeps repeating things over and over again. And you all just accept it for the truth, and it’s not,’ Bush told reporters in New Hampshire on Thursday.”

And who started that game?


Donald Trump’s ongoing success is wonderful news for fiscal, social, religious and corporate conservatives alike. Donald Trump has built a grass roots movement that reflects modern conservative values and has energized the Republican base. He is younger, more charismatic and conservative than even Ronald Reagan the Blessed One, peace be upon him.

And lest I forget. He is smarter and better informed, richer, less sleazy and corrupt than George Bush the Poppy and George Bush the Dimmer.

No one who has been subjected to the bigoted, mean spirited and down right hateful things Republicans believe is surprised by the rise of Trump. The only people surprised are those who ignited and fed all this hate but somehow believed they could control it. Trump is using the tools supplied by the GOP to burn them to the ground.

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Trump’s ‘teflon’ is made of stupid. And stupid is harder than diamond.

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Polls reflect that Trump supporters are not sure where Obama was born or if he’s a Christian in spite of the Rev. Wright flap. So he’s captured the dumbest of the dumb, an entirely separate subset of voters who probably aren’t registered and maybe have never voted. I’d guess they’re not going to either register or vote but just continue foaming at the mouth.

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Well of course he’s leading…he’s saying all the right things: (FF to 1:00)

It’s just Art imitating Life, thazzall…


This kind of sums it up:

“Maybe we need a warrior instead of a politician. People compare Mr. Trump to Putin. There’s something to be said about the man, who takes care of the Russian people.”

Putin has also, of course, started three unnecessary never-ending wars and run Russia into the ground in the process, yet maintains an extremely high favorability rating at home because he’s “tough”. It’s great if all you care about is having your psyche coddled, not so much if you care about your stomach or your life.

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Trump will never keep his crazy train on the rails long enough to become the GOP nominee…

but the Democrats sure WISH he could…


Talk about magical thinking. Sounds like these people believe Trump is the tooth fairy, Wuzard of Oz, and the genie from Alladin, all rolled into one.

Wow. What a digi-rag that place is. Holy crap, the comment section!

I think this article gives an insight into what motivates Trump supporters. It’s that Fox and Fiends put up an image of what they’ll get with Republicans, and their actual record shows them to be corporate whores who only partly support the Neanderthals who are their base. Trump’s political incorrectness isn’t just against women and Hispanics, but it also violates Ronbo’s Eleventh Commandment: Thou shalt not speak ill of a fellow Republican. Trump rightly regards that as utter bullshit. The Trumpetts love this, and frankly, it has made for some entertaining theater.

In this one instance, I can see how Trump and Sanders are alike. Both have support from a segment of their parties who are mad that their parties sold them false advertising.

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Trump is doing well for a reason. Immigration.

The American people do not buy this elitist notion that the illegals deserve a special break. Liberals are confused, and this will not turn out well on Election day. The immigration anger is strong, and Obama has fanned it by special breaks for illegals.

So, keep on denying that Trump has found a big big issue. You can deny and deny, but stuff is happening out here in the actual world that is not according to the dictat of the illegal-loving bosses. And that is working to help Trump.

Bernie does get it, some. He is not for illegals.

A low-energy campaign from Hillary (or Bernie or …) is going to suffer the same fate that the low-energy campaigns of the GOP first tier (Bush, Walker, Rubio, etc.) are facing so far. Don’t take this election for granted!


The fact that the earth is (roughly) spherical has been known since the Greeks. Eratosthenes measured the earth’s circumference with good accuracy (or poor accuracy, depending on how his units are interpreted). The distance to the moon was also well-known (in terms of lunar diameters) and the sun was known to be much farther away (and hence) much larger. What was unknown was the scale.

This knowledge didn’t disappear even in the dark ages. There’s plenty of evidence that the earth isn’t flat to anyone paying attention. The earth’s shadow in a lunar eclipse is circular. Ships sailing into harbor show masts over the horizon before hulls appear. Going the other direction, they go hull down first. Sundials require that the gnomon be adjusted for latitude.

Columbus screwed up in assuming that Eratosthenes’ mile was the shorter of the two alternatives, and so got the earth’s circumference wrong. Good thing for him North American was in his way – otherwise his crew would have starved.

The only people who ever thought the earth was flat were ignorant people who weren’t paying attention. In other words, the ancestors of Trump’s supporters…

—“This country needs a businessman just like him to put us back on
track, to make us stop being the laughing stock of this world,” said Ken
Brand, 56, of Derry, New Hampshire."

This previous quote was said by one of the Trump supporters…

I say that Arizona has had 3 businessmen/governors during my tenure are a resident of this state. One (Evan Mechum) was tossed out of office for embezzling money from his inauguration fund to support his car dealership. Another (Fife Symington) was sent to prison for real estate fraud. Our present Governor (Doug Ducey, former CEO of Cold Stone Creamery) has been in office 9 months and has savaged higher education and K-12 with draconian cuts saying the state doesn’t have the funds even though we are running a surplus. At the same time he has funneled millions to aid private prisons.
Our track record with businessmen in state politics is not good. And I think this would apply at the federal level. Government is not a for profit enterprise.


Angry supporters who’ve been told by Fox (in dog whistles) and Trump (explicitly) that our first black president is unamerican and that his elections were illegitimate.