“It’s disgusting that Ron DeSantis is launching his general election campaign with racist dog whistles,” the Florida Democratic Party chairwoman, Terrie Rizzo, said in a statement soon after the Fox News appearance.
That ain’t no dog whistle, dear. It’s out and out racism.
Make that sumbitch own it!
Um, that’s a not a racist dog whistle. That’s a racist megaphone broadcast over loudspeakers.
You’ve got to be kidding me.
Still, I can’t believe this is a winning strategy. The real racists were going for DeSantis anyway. Are sort-of racists going to be moved by this?
Beat me to it! Great minds think greatly and bigly!
When they go low, kick the living shit out of them at the polls.
And it was a deliberate, calculated tactic. You boom it out to the racists and you own the libs by making their heads explode and you coyly suggest, for the gettable votes among “nice” people who would never say such things, that it was just an expression.
He seems nice.
In case anyone in the, ahem, middle, was wondering if the ire for President Obama was based on his policies or his race.
Yeah, predicting what over half of Florida might do is tricky.
To be honest, if I were this dirtball and was up against Andrew Gullum, I think I might piss my pants too.
Holy fuck, can we find a rail, some tar, and feathers for this bastard?
Put this in a well-done political ad and run it non-stop.
Economic insecurity rears its ugly head once more.
H/t @irasdad
I thought his going on about the articulate and charismatic mayor who “performed” well were fairly transparent attempts to equate him with Obama. You know, as though their attractiveness is a kind of mask behind which they hide their blackity blackness. They’re just pretending to be intelligent and have good ideas to offer. They’re radicals! The reasonable tone is the giveaway!
It goes without saying being black and articulate is unnatural and needs investigated.
Tomorrow he’ll whip out “clean”.
PBO, on stage, setting the tone, introducing AG…has promise.
“[Emmett] Till we stop him . . . .”