Discussion: Dershowitz: 'We're Moving Closer And Closer To The Surveillance State'

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Presuming all this were so,

Well I think we are moving closer and closer to the surveillance state where phone calls are tapped, where emails are secured without a real basis

man, I wonder what party started that terrible PATRIOTic ball rolling.

That is to say, lol Dersh has a sad :cry:


We’re moving closer and closer to the kleptocratic autocracy too. Take your pick.


We’re Moving Closer And Closer To The Surveillance State’

Only if Facebook is now the government.

Deep State conspiracies and paranoia is where the privileged white boys of the far right and far left come together to trade stories.


I look forward to hearing more from the soon to be former Harvard law professor. He knows better.


The Dersh says, “I think prosecutors should not be seeking wiretaps on lawyers’ offices and search warrants and subpoenas for lawyers, e-mail files, unless they have very substantial evidence of very serious crimes."

So we agree on the standard. Dersh knows as well as we do that to convince a federal judge to authorize the unannounced raid, the FBI had to present “very substantial evidence of very serious crimes,” along with evidence that an unannounced raid was necessary to prevent the evidence from being destroyed.


Quote: '“I think prosecutors should not be seeking wiretaps on lawyers’ offices and search warrants and subpoenas for lawyers, e-mail files, unless they have very substantial evidence of very serious crimes. ’

I’m pretty certain that this criteria has been met. Being a lawyer is not a Get Out of Jail Free card.


I believe the explanation for Dershowitz is that he gave up the practice of actual constitutional law in the 1980s to become a “celebrity lawyer” (both in the sense of one who promotes his own celebrity, and one whose career is coming to the defense of other celebrities).


Happened to see an ad for a book that claims it’s a #1 bestseller about how Obama and the Deep State are out to take Trump down…


What do the Russians have on him, anyway?

And yeah, best to leave any and all thoughts on that subject unpublished, methinks.


And he knows that the search lacked a “real basis” how? I guess those of us who are somewhat skeptical of the Dotard’s “No Cullusion!” rants are just not as smart as the ex-Professor.


“I think prosecutors should not be seeking wiretaps on lawyers’ offices and search warrants and subpoenas for lawyers, e-mail files, unless they have very substantial evidence of very serious crimes…”

That’s the point. There has to be some pretty incriminating evidence to convince a judge to issue wiretaps and search warrants on any lawyer connected to the president.


STFU Allen. NOBODY cares what you think. Go back to the ‘Best & Brightest’ Gang and find other ways to fuck up the world.


“Well I think we are moving closer and closer to the surveillance state where phone calls are tapped, where emails are secured without a real basis.”

Says the guy currently advising Julian Assange’s legal team.

American judge issues legal warrant to duly-sworn law enforcement? Tyranny!

Russian military hacks DNC? Freedom of…well…something or other!


Sort of felt he was free lancing it. After watching the segment, I go back to the idea that they are trying to declare all law and the personnel within as null and void. Hence, anarchy. Next up, Alan and Rudy take to the streets, tagging everything in sight, turning cars in the street and inciting elderly white guys to riot in the streets!


They’re already getting warmed up. There’s a 2nd Amendment fetishist idiot who’s been showing up with an AR-15 in different places around where I live (to the point where police felt obliged to put out a statement about how they’re trying to balance his rights with the “rights” of everyone else to feel like this constitutes a threat to their well-being).


Perhaps Mr. Dershowitz should take a look back in time to things like Total Information Awareness and ask himself what his position was then.


Dershowitz says…

Racist has-been says what? Doesn’t matter, it’s not important.


He can only dream of sleeping with Stormy.

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“I think prosecutors should not be seeking wiretaps on lawyers’ offices and search warrants and subpoenas for lawyers, e-mail files, unless they have very substantial evidence of very serious crimes. Campaign contributions don’t qualify, for the kind of crime that should justify the wiretapping of a lawyer.”

Exactly. No argument here.

Thing is, he doesn’t seem to understand that they’ve obviously got such evidence. Sounds like they’ve got reams of it. His implication that they don’t is just further shilling for trump.

WTF is this guy’s major malfunction? I wish he’d go away - along with the GOP, the donnie administration, and a certain 30% of the population of this cournty. They can go somewhere nice and have a great time (which is unlikely, as they’d turn wherever they went into a shit hole too), just as long as it’s far, far away and we never have to see them again.