I’m vaguely recalling the whole saga where a Epstein, a personal friend of Trump’s, was accused of running an underage girl sex ring (Trump even at one time volunteered that Epstein liked his women “on the younger side”), with Dershowitz as one of the accused clients. The lawsuit was eventually dropped, however with the accuser standing by her story. We’ve all heard about Trump’s (and Cohen’s) propensity to seek and save dirt on others for the purposes of bullying/blackmail. Maybe Trump has something on Dershowitz? Would explain his strange and emphatic recent defense of all things Trump.
The gotcha compliments of NY FBI.
Dear Alan: STFU. Surveillance of criminal activity, conspirators engaged in criminal activity, and conspirators engaged in covering up criminal activity is perfectly legal, completely ethical, and completely desirous in a civilized country.
So go fuck yourself, you despicable, loathsome sell-out.
Nobody has given a damn about what you think since you got Claus von Bulow off on that murder charge. Actually, the only reason anyone even gave a damn about that was because Jeremy Irons was so good in 'Reversal of Fortune".
Same here, oh how I wish he’d go away. Most offensive of all are his protests, when he’s shilling for the Dotard, that he is merely “advocating for the Constitution.” I’d urge that he spend his time and energy teaching his friend in the White House about the Constitution, but I suspect he’s forgotten more than he ever knew about it.
“…are secured without a real basis,”
And that right there is where he goes completely wrong. If you think for one fucking hot minute that the FBI and the courts wiretapped and issued warrants upon Cohen for no fucking reason whatsoever, then you’re either braindead, not paying attention or a fucking liar. Guess which one that makes Doucheowitz.
Gee, you would have thought he would have found a way to put “Israel!” and “Palestinian baby-eaters!” in there somewhere.
But but but…it’s perfectly ok when a noble hearted child molester does it for personal gain!!!
He owes his entire career to a made-for-TV movie where he was played, appropriately enough, by Ron Silver, another right-wing douchebag. Type casting, I suppose.
Yes, the feds should have gone through the proper channels and asked Russian intelligence to wiretap the phones, like Donald Trump asking the Russians for Hillary’s emails during the 2016 election campaign.
$$$ laundering and tax evasion are "very serious crimes. And evidence of these two crimes is almost without doubt already sitting in the file cabinets of many law enforcement agencies the world over. Just takes a little time to roll out the case.
You can’t be President and be a crook.
It is hard to form an opinion upon this matter until I hear what Glenn Greenwald has to say - you know, that champion of America’s journalistic freedom who skipped off to South America because he believed he was going to be assassinated by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.
Saying as someone who is married to a tenured professor, Dershowitz gives tenure a bad name.
This guy is a big shot at Harvard? Sheez. Remind me to tell people to avoid the place if this is the kind of “talent” they have these days. He seriously thinks the wiretaps were over the Stormy NDA? Lol. Trump wishes. No, they were about – as the good perfesser says – the possibility that Cohen had committed some pretty serious crimes, probably relating to his (adjusts tie) ahem, “businesses.” And remember, you can’t shield crimes with a/c privilege.
It’s almost like Dershowitz has no idea about all the other allegations against Cohen beyond simply being a lawyer.
Torture torts, on the other hand, are the bedrock upon which the mansion of liberty is built, the night soil in which the fertile stems of democracy grow and flourish.
Good god. I am a crazy old white guy and I cannot believe how many crazy old white guys have grabbed onto lardass’s mini-dick for the short-lived “joy” ride. Between Dershowitz, Ghouliani, Hamhead Newt, and Bolton you’d think that was enough. They just keep crawling out from the cryopreservation chamber.
And if a wiretap is improper/illegal, you can move to suppress all the evidence obtained from it.
If the wiretap is good, the evidence comes in.
See how easy this all is?
Well yeah Dersh…when you engage in criminal activity you tend to get surveiled.
Wiretapping Cohen is not wiretapping a “lawyer”. It’s wiretapping an important criminal suspect who happens to be, or hold himself out as, a lawyer.