Discussion: Dems Raise $13K To Rebuild Firebombed Republican Party Office In North Carolina

Well, there’s a hearty Fuck You to the scum arsonists that did this.

…and I hope they catch the Trump staffer that set it, too.


So, can the GOP party operative who most likely actually committed the crime use the funds for his legal defense?


Low-bid contract? :smiley:

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And that, in a nutshell, is the difference between the GOP and Democrat’s, helping the GOP pay for a fire of GOP ignition…


Don’t PaY your Loser CoNtracter trump! StRuctute is stiLL standing. No waY you are satisfied wiTH the JoB.


Trump has already pledged to pay for this from the Trump Foundation also.


I like it a lot. The message is “we support free political expression and condemn violence.” What people have done or will do with that expression isn’t the point. They have the freedom period. Also I think simple decency is a political stance these days. It’s certainly where I’d prefer to be.


I am a black North Carolinian native deeply invested in the state’s welfare as my family is still there. I won’t be funding the NC GOP.

That’s the difference between you and I. I’m and lesbian Latina immigrant progressive, and I happily support free and safe elections. Election violence is the antithesis of what we as a nation should stand for–no matter what an opponents party supports. I’ll happily donate to this. Even if someone associated with the Trump campaign was responsible, our effort to have the office reopen sends a powerful message that we as Democrats don’t support violence.


Bleeding heart libs - always trying to help those in need.


Honestly, I can see HO characterizing this generous outpouring of money as an admission of guilt and an attempt to cover it up.

“Why would they set up a fund to rebuild our campaign office if they didn’t do it? You tell me, you tell me. A bunch of animals covering up for Crooked Hillary and now the media will take this and spin it as ‘oh look at how good the Democrats are’ - it’s rigged, believe me!”

There is no low too low for him to go…


I blame non-nazi republicans. Democrats want all republicans to leave town.

Also interesting that an NC Republican recommends all GOP offices close by sundown…hummm that seems like it would make it easier for someone to do this to other offices that didn’t really want to hurt people, just make democrats look bad…hummmmm


It’s not about Trump, it’s about what we should stand against as Americans. Election based violence should be right there at the top.


For me, this is like the exclusionary rule in criminal trials. It’s better that even a bunch of disgusting bigoted economic warriors should get help rebuilding their offices than that we countenance arson as part of the political process.


I agree. Could have easily been someone on the right, that wanted to impugn the DNC and its candidates.

The question is, when it turns out to be an R do they get the money back? Will the state of NC GOP head apologize and retract his accusation? Will HOTOG apologize for calling the Dems “animals”?

I’m not waiting.

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An echo of sundown laws? Really, they’re going there?


Yea really the word sundown, I was thinking the same thing. I pointed it out in a twitter reply.

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Like I said elsewhere, I used to live in Hillsborough about a little over year ago…

The Nuts in that “blink and you miss it” town are into dog fighting (Hillsborough is often referred to as the “Dogfighting capital of the South East”) and meth, not exactly “core democratic voters”. I’m still not convinced that any “Dems” did it, but it’s good to see we’ll be the adults and make it right.


Good point!