This might not have a happy ending.
What a pleasure to have actual oversight and subpoena power in the house.
Cindy Yang’s GOP-servicing massage-parlor chain is a naked power-grab by Chinese intelligence services.
whether foreign national guests at Mar-a-Lago are vetted beforehand,
They wait until the check clears the bank.
the extent of Yang or her clients’ access to the first family,
The checks for the family override have all cleared the bank.
and whether the Trump campaign properly screened for foreign donations,
They require all checks to be laundered through US banks.
Why do the Democrats hate entrepreneurship?
It looks like Yang
May pay dearly
For fluffing Donald’s Wang - Alfred, Lord TennisShoes
Nadler has esssentially signaled everyone on his famous list of 81 that responding is optional. He hasn’t pushed back strongly on reports he’s averse to compelling anyone in Trump’s family to provide testimony and documents should they tell him to piss off. Surely any fight to get Trump’s tax returns will be a protracted battle, ending up in the courts, and there’s scant evidence the House has even engaged the matter beyond yammering over whether and when to do it. Frankly most of what I see now is a dog let loose on a bone, after it’s already eaten the cow. You know, just sort of sniffing at it, pushing it around in the dirt, but hardly much desire to chew on it really.
This is a process but still rather have Nadler as the chair instead of Trey Gowdy…
And therein lies the rub.
If a Secret Service Agent becomes aware of a crime while acting in their role as a security person for the White House, as technical LEO’s (Treasury Agents), are they immune from prosecution for failing to act or report as is their legal Duty under the terms of their employment and official capacity?
Is this deliberate negligence and malfeasance?
Properly done this could be VERY interesting. I’m surprised it took this long to get an investigation rolling.
There must be a shortage of good investigators at the moment, tRump should declare this a National Emergency.
Dude, relax. He just sent those out on March 4, and the due date was two weeks, so literally today.
I know people want answers like yesterday, but this stuff takes time…
I wonder when, or even if, all of this would have been uncovered if Kraft hadn’t been such a pig.
May end up being the most expensive blowjob in the last 20 years…
Classic Intel ‘Honey Trap’, and the Chinese Operatives have had the run of Mar-a-Lago for years. I’m betting the Chinese may have their own version of the ‘pee’ tape.
But then again Trump prefers Eastern European hookers to the other varieties. And as an unapologetic racist he may eschew those outside a certain phenotype.
Dems ask ________________ :“What do you know about Cindy Yang?”
- The Republican National Committee
- The National Rifle Association
- The NFL Owners Group
- The NBA
- The Major League Baseball Players’ Association
6.The Teamsters Union - The 7th Fleet
(odd that my list and numbers are correct and aligned in the left box, but not the right or on the final post - I think it’s a Chinese plot)
Trump can weather this one, as long as he stays on massage.
A purveyor of the finer things in life can most assuredly procure a product which matches the customer’s tastes.
How long does it take to draft a letter demanding access to Trump’s tax returns?