As part of his never ending battle for truth, justice, and the American way, AG Barr announced that he would personally look into the matter.
Just pointing out the error of your ways .
If I didn’t know better, I’d say there’s a growing danger that Democrats’ powder might get a little damp…
I’m glad Murphy spoke up. Trump tests every boundary indiscriminately, and will absolutely run roughshod over anything we don’t defend. We have to assume an aggressive posture at the first sign that Trump is even thinking about approaching the fence, or he’ll be on the other side clawing at our throats before we know it.
ETA: Walt Shaub isn’t having it, either:
ETA: O/T, but the opposite of “dry powder” is not “wet powder.” The idiom “keep one’s powder dry” means “remain alert,” because wet gunpowder won’t ignite and therefore cannot be used in an emergency. It doesn’t mean “conserve, rather than expend, limited reserves of power” (notwithstanding this memorably hilarious but underappreciated post from @seamus42). Interested parties may attend my sentencing at The Hague later this month.
On what planet did Giuliani ever think this would be a good idea?
OK I may have missed an hour or two of this current unfolding saga but why does Team Trump think that the “Russian Probe” began in Ukraine?
Sometimes one has to run errands and sleep, so forgive me if this was reported on.
“As far as we know, none of these meetings are being coordinated with the U.S. State Department or other government agencies.”
Rudy’s getting all of the coordination he needs from Putin’s gang.
The whole post needs to be re-shown.
I said on another post that Trump is held up by a net of obstruction. Take a pair of elementary school 4" blunt scissors and …
Impeachment is a word which is thrown in around this juncture.
ETA Schiff is a careful vocalizer…and HE MENTIONED THE VALUE OF IMPEACHMENT. One thing that Schiff did not mention was the idea of GOP vulnerability at what is IN the Mueller Report…and that has enormous significance for the “The GOP will NEVER convict Trump in an Impeachment Trial” crowd. I believe that the soft-pedaling of this is an elephant-in-the-room item maybe better de-emphasized…
Attacking US intelligence agencies, and coordinating tactics with foreign governments.
It used to be the GOP was paranoid about the UN leading to a “World Government” – now we’re seeing them rule the country as part of a “World Kleptocracy.”
Everything ties back to there, or runs through there. Manafort’s ties to Yanukovych is just kinda the starting point.
“As far as we know, none of these meetings are being coordinated with the U.S. State Department or other government agencies.”
Don’t worry, next time he’ll coordinate his ratfucking with Mike Pompeo.
You’d think that Nadler, Schumer, Gillebrand et al being from NY & knowing how much of a slug Trump is, might’ve started planning for an all out war at 12:01AM 11/7/2018.
There were plenty of stories about how unprepared the White House was for the coming Congressional oversight, though.
repugnicans live on an alternative planet.
Good-- so doesn’t that mean that back here on Earth Obama is still President?
President Obama is still the last legitimately elected president, YES!!
Layman’s take: Ukraine is the hub for a lot of mingled and colliding (or, colluding, ) interests and motives. Manafort has decades of history, Giuliani has been establishing himself for a while there, and yeah, Biden’s son has interests there too.
Add s administration’s m.o. of projecting everything they do onto Dems, and voila—Ukraine becomes ground zero for the “Russian probe.” It’s definitely a huge part of the equation.
He’s a little treasonpot.
The so-called President of 9/11 is nuts! And dangerous…
Ralph, do you still have the Colliding Trains? When I think of Trump it has always been very helpful…
He was appointed to be US Attorney in the SDNY by Alphonse D’Amato. Possibly the most corrupt US Senator EVER. He was the most publicity seeking, self promoting US Attorney for the SDNY EVER. If you have never seen his Mayoral inauguration speech, check it out on Youtube. Pay attention to the antics of his son during the speech. Unfortunately, during 9-11, our President’s invisibility allowed Rudy to come off like Winston Churchill during the Battle of Britain. But he reverted to clownish serial adulterer form during his second term. Went to an exhibit at the Brooklyn Museum with his Mistress. Said they were offended by a piece by a Nigerian artist portraying The Virgin Mary. You cannot make this shit up. Tried to strong arm Duke University and the Duke Golf Team to reverse their decision not to accept his son on the team after his try out. I think his son is working at the White House now.