What, you weren’t inspired by: “While we proceed with our counterintelligence investigation, it is imperative that the Trump Administration refrain from any effort to relax or rescind the sanctions already in place"?
I don’t mind if they release written statements that sound informed, reasonable, and intelligent, but PLEASE get something forceful and politically effective on the tube.
I remember a time when Republicans thought being a Russian satellite would be a bad thing.
One remarkable thing Trump has achieved is to get me to dig up old quotes from the Republican bête noir of my youth.
“Now, some may ask why we don’t get rid of the bases, since the Soviet Government declares today that it has only peaceful intentions. The answer is that whenever the fear and suspicions that caused us and our Allies to take measures for collective self-defense are removed, the reason for our maintaining bases will be removed. In other words, the only possible solution of this problem lies in mutual, rather than unilateral action leading toward disarmament.” —Richard M. Nixon, 1959, spoken during a radio address in Moscow
And then there’s this one, with some unfortunate relevance to today:
"North Vietnam cannot defeat or humiliate the United States. Only Americans can do that." —Nixon, 11.3.1969
When have you ever seen the U.S. President out there?
Trump has been out on the fringe ever since he took that stupid-ass escalator ride and started babbling about Mexicans. I still feel like I’m living in a SyFy channel butchering of a dystopian novel by Brunner or PKD.
PLEASE get something forceful and politically effective on the tube.
Not in the Democratic leadership DNA. Ted Lieu is a more likely source of something with some meat on it.
And the look on Erdogan’s face is…
I think the look is “What the hell—I’m oppressing the damn journalists and academics as much as Putin is, so where’s my TrumpLove?”
I think we are now living in an alternate universe. On that escalator ride we were all pulled thru a worm-hole. The entire planet is now in Alt-Fact Land where logic, rationality, and science as we have known them are on a very very long holiday. Reality is what a fucking tweet says it is. No evidence needed or expected. And false equivalency is handed to a fucking carnival barker like he is some golden boy Messiah who says “Only he can fix this”.
And the “loyal opposition”? What about them? Who calls a liar what he is to his face? By now I expected someone to show some courage.
Mueller had better have the goods on this buffoon. That’s alI have to say.
If Trump had pointed straight to Putin and told him he DID orchestrate the hacking and attempted election tampering the Dems would still not be happy. If he had outright condemned Putin and strongly chastised him in front of the whole world the Dems would cry foul and find some way to criticize Trump for doing something wrong. It’s just the way Dems operate.
Did the handshake make anyone else think of this guy? (with apologies to Neville Chamberlain, who for all his flaws didn’t need Hitler to get him elected)