Discussion: Dem Rep: NRA And Dana Loesch ‘Quickly Becoming Domestic Security Threats’


Rice has not tweeted since calling the NRA a security threat, but her critique is not the first time Loesch and the NRA have come under fire in recent months.

The NRA has pretty much become America’s own embedded North Korea alongside their American Taliban brethren, “Conservative Christians”.

Both are loathsome breeding grounds for right wing terrorism.

So once again it’s time for my favorite GunNut Musical…


More guns would help settle this dispute.


I’m still trying to figure out what any of this has to do with rifles. It is, after all, the national rifle association. It’s in the name.

If that’s not what the NRA is about, then it should change its name.

National Gun Nuts Association
National Shoot Everyone Association
National Armed Assholes Association

–Edited to add a few more–

National Gun Law Repeal Association
National Scare Mongers Association
National Sell As Many Guns As Possible Despite The Consequences Association
National Won’t Rest Until Every American Experiences Gun Violence Association
National Security Threat Association
National Small Penis Association
National It’s Okay To Execute People For Crimes On The Street Without Any Due Process Unless They’re White Association


They and their sycophant followers are all a security issue. Pieces of excrement like that low rent clown Loesch know exactly how their evil message gets manifested - by one of their scumbag followers who goes “lone wolf” on a political enemy. Then these subhumans stand back and go “who me?”

These people need to be very careful with what they are screwing with here. If they continue their dictatorial ways from the White House on down people are GOING to get fed up. Remember right wing clowns: Guns are extremely available to all of us, not just you. Think about it for a second if you have the requisite brain cells.


On Thursday, NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch sent out a tweet storm explaining why the NRA didn’t stand up for Castile, saying it was because Castile was in the possession of “a controlled substance” and a firearm when he was pulled over.

“Which is illegal. Stop lying,” she tweeted.

I’m not going to Google (because right now, i’m in the role of a lazy bastard), but I’ll bookmark this article, because I’m willing to bet $5, that like most former blondes seeking respect, Loesch will naturally contradict herself.


So the NRA thinks it’s just fine to carry a gun in an establishment that serves alcohol, but if you’re in possession of even one joint, you can’t carry? And according to the NRA, it’s ok to carry even if you’re convicted of spousal abuse or have mental health issues.

I don’t think Loesch has thought this all the way through. Not to mention, did the officer even know about the marijuana before he killed Castile?


That’s the rub isn’t it? What happens when they realize left wing people or GASP brown people start deciding that they need to arm themselves against tyranny? Remember there are a LOT more of us than there are of THEM.

These chip idiots don’t know what a can they are opening on their own asses.


Actually, it’s the National Fire Arms Industry Sales Promotion Association.

That’s what the NRA is. That’s what it does. That’s what everything it has ever done since the days when it used to be a moderately sane organization that was mostly about training and safety is about.

And right now, their real masters’ problem is that because fewer and fewer people want guns, they have to convince people who already have guns that they need moar gunz! And now they have to do that without a single Democrat in power to accuse of being on the brink of taking their gunz. So all they’ve got left is their old standby: racial panic and doomsday fear-mongering.


What a cop sees when observing a brown person with a gun:


“Dana Loesch sent out a tweet storm explaining why the NRA didn’t stand up for Castile, saying it was because Castile was in the possession of ‘a controlled substance’…”



The NRA is a terrorist organization, or at least aid terrorists by allowing way too many guns in the world. Though from what I understand the NRA is having trouble selling guns right now as they don’t have Obama to make into a bogey man anymore


Is Rice now in danger? Remember Gabby Giffords?


So true. I remember watching a Youtube video of a bunch of those clowns dressing up as 2nd Amendment posse wannabees and walking down the streets of random cities and towns trying to get the police to react to them.

The fucking cops just stood there, walked next to them calmly or just palled around with these fucking rejects. Then when they actually FOUND a black guy to joint their Kindergarten paste-eating circle, all the cops that see him open carrying ALWAYS screech up in patrol cars, rip out their guns and start screaming orders. Fucking cowards.

What we really need is a big ass loud “Arm all black people” movement. Watch these two dollar and change back whores shit their pants.


It’s called Stochastic Terrorism.


“Wow. This is an elected official.”

…and you’re not.


and they do it primarily to make money, scum of the earth.


We’ve had it with Dana Loesch and her incitement to violence! We’ve had it with the NRA’s double standard and hypocrisy that says it’s okay for an honest white American to carry a weapon, but not an honest black America. We’ve had it with the hatred and vicious talk coming from Dana Loesch, and we intend to fight her with the clenched fist of truth and the hammer of righteousness! So watch out, Dana Loesch. Your time is coming!


Dana, when you use ad hominem attacks and circular references, it’s not “fisking” :smiling_imp:


Wouldn’t be surprised if she’s received death threats. People who oppose the NRA mysteriously do.