Discussion for article #235671
Can we introduce legislation to prevent the Republicans from legislating all together?
My dad was wont to say, without knowing of Steve King, but likely would have approved the application of his saying: THERE ARE MORE HORSE’S ASSES THAN THERE ARE HORSES!
“For too long, Steve King has overstepped his constitutionally nonexistent judicial authority,” Polis said in the statement. “Mr. King has perverted the Constitution to create rights to things such as discrimination, bullying, and disparate treatment. These efforts to enshrine these appalling values as constitutional rights were not envisioned by the voters, or by King’s colleagues who must currently try to restrain his attempts to single-handedly rewrite the nation’s founding principles on a bill-by-bill basis.”
Amen Congressman Polis! Put that monkey in a cage!
although completely understandable, not a good idea, even as a joke… this will just give the gop ideas – as if gerrymandering, voter id laws, etc weren’t already problematic enough.
King’s congressional office could make a terrific hate bakery and likely do a killer business…
Yes, we wouldn’t want the Republithugs to start obstructing everything…Lol!
It’s about time! Steve King is mentally ill.
A lot of people are mentally ill. But most of them don’t have a parade of presidential hopefuls lining up to grovel for approval.
This nutjob is basically allowed to dictate GOP immigration policy. But they still believe they can win the Hispanic vote by mouthing the right platitudes. Just like women flocked to McCain because he chose Palin, right?
In essence, that is precisely what they attempt to do.
"Restrain Steve King from Legislating Act,"
Oh dear God, I LOVE THIS. Please FSM make it happen. PLEASE.
How anyone could support this clown is beyond my liberal sensibilities to grasp. Hate and ignorance begetting more hatred and ignorance. King is hostile to non-whites, and his tenure in Congress is a disgrace and a black mark on this country.
A little background on this squirt! Over 800+ young men from Iowa were killed in Vietnam! King’s chickenhawks actions I believe are directly responsible for one of them!
King attended college for over 3 years and the second he wasn’t in any danger of being drafted, he quit going to college!
yep, he is one of those special people that need to be buried in the sand up to the neck at the waters edge facing the ocean at low tide.
Let him figure out what is going to happen next.
Bet he don’t whistle dixie. lol
Yes…its called “voting”…but good luck getting the people who depend on the government services to take any responsibility in their defense.
muzzle this rabid dog.
That’s entirely for the media, they know they can’t win over the Hispanic vote, but if they say the right things, on occasion, the media will do the heavy lifting for them. Meanwhile, the GOP can do what they do best, which is prevent Hispanics from voting at all.
Can we just revoke his citizenship…that would be fun to have a non citizen questions Obama’s
The census projection is that by 2044 this country will have a majority of people of color. This bigot could very well still be around then, and that fact alone would kill him.
I am so glad that some decent member of the 114th Congress are willing to block Steve King from wasting our tax dollars on his personal insecurities. Steve King is NOT mentally fit to serve in congress and he really should have NEVER been voted into congress in the first place. But now that he is an active member, the handcuffs should be put on to not only to challenge him, but also to restrain him from abusing our tax precious dollars!