You’ve described the takers in the southern states
Have they been legislating? They have been mouthing off like spoiled whiny babies for ages now. But legislating, not so much.
You’re right. We shouldn’t make the bullies angry. Let’s wait to see what they want us to do.
ICYMI: Steve King was a co-plaintiff in a lawsuit that attempted to overturn a state court judge’s decision to dissolve a civil union of two women in 2002. The lawsuit was thrown out by the Iowa Supreme Cout on the grounds the plaintiffs, including King, had no standing. Ironically, that lawsuit and its outcome was a key indicator for those seeking to have Iowa’s law restricting marriage to a man and a woman declared unconstitutional. Several years later, it was. Here is what the court said, in part, dismissing King’s and several state lawmakers claim of injury.
"It would be strange indeed and contrary to our notions of separation of powers if we were to recognize that legislators have standing to intervene in lawsuits just because they disagree with a court’s interpretation of a statute. Generally, “in the absence of statutory directive, a legislator may sue only to challenge misconduct or illegality in the legislative process itself.”
I guess King still has a lot to learn about our government.
This bill has about as great a chance of passing as does King’s bill, but dare I say it…I like it!
Polis’s bill comes close to being a bill of attainder. However, King’s bill is clearly a violation of the separation of powers, an attempt to legislate judicial outcomes. The Supreme Court and its jurisdiction (judicial power) is established by Article III of the Constitution and can only be changed by constitutional amendment, not by legislation. Steve King should have gone to law school instead of dropping out of college before graduating.
Were I a member of the House (Heaven forbid…shudder) I’d vote for Rep. Polis’ bill in a heartbeat.
See article III section 2 of the Constitution. Also Article I section 8 where the powers of the respective branches of Congress and the Judiciary are outlines. Nowhere is there a power Congress has that says they can act as the Judiciary as King would have them act. Rep. Polis is quite correct with his bill. And I don’t think it’s a joke.
More please.
This man is odiously evil. Or, evilly odious. Take your pick. But he’s bad.
Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.) tweeted that Colbert said “Republicans must embrace Hispanics unless science finds a way for Hispanic women to give birth to old white men.”
King received ~150,000 votes so he represents about .05% of total U.S. population. He is one of a growing # of ideological sociopaths who leverage a tiny voter base for a broad platform. Would be interesting to see journalists cite these numbers when writing about his and others actions. “Mr King, representing 150, 000 Iowans, introduced a bill to strip federal court jurisdiction over…” or “Tom Cotton, representing 400,000 voters roughly .13% of the population”, etc.
This is how all Dems should speak about all Republicans. This is the conversation we need to have–the crazy, dishonesty of the GOP. NBC, CBS, ABC are all discredited because they won’t report on this-- the racist, ignoble nature of today’s Republican Party.
Yes, cut this clown off at the knees the moment you see him or his aides dropping off any bills or amendments that he may be inclined to bring to the floor for a vote! He does not possess the mental aptitude to perform such important tasks!
Is it wrong that I am smiling? :-]
If only Polis could get the bill passed. Lol
This is what the Congress of Jotunheim must look like: all trolls all the time.