Discussion: Dem Chair Gives IRS New Deadline For Trump's Taxes, Dismisses Legal Concerns

Until some time after Easter which falls on April 21. Nothing but nothing happens until then

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No choking and no retreating, full spoed ahead. No more wasted time for the criminals to haggle and play games.


I like this post from someone on a different blog…

There are a few different people or groups that can can request the presidents taxes AND any background/supporting documents for those tax filings. It states that the Secretary of the Treasury SHALL furnish ANY return or background documents that are requested. So it is very clear cut. In legal terms, SHALL means there are NO EXCEPTIONS. It means YOU MUST, not you should. And it states for ANY return or ANY supporting documentation such as receipts, etc. ANY does NOT EXCLUDE the even the president of the United States. The law does however state that the tax returns are not to be made public UNLESS the person whose tax returns they are grants permission to make them public. So if Democrats release them to the public without Trump’s consent that would be against the law. But Democrats can review his taxes in closed door session.

Request for taxes in this manner have been done before. In fact, the last group to do it and receive such tax returns were the Republicans. They made the request to prove that the IRS was targeting conservative organizations with audits. It was legal for Republicans to make the request and receive the tax documents. HOWEVER, they also illegally published the tax returns without the consent of the people and organizations that the tax returns were for. The publishing of those documents without consent was ILLEGAL.


The House is not in session. Neither is the Senate. PP’s on a golf course. Congress won’t meet until the week of April 22, and probably not till April 23 s they can get back to D.C. . So how and when would this framing be achieved.

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It has struck me that many, many people are working jobs in which they are severely underpaid. Yet, we have close to full employment, which should mean that wages go up.

Is there an economist out there who can shed some light?

Are the employment figures robust because people have to work two or three crap jobs?


Wait – isn’t that what he was doing with his previous deadline?

House Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings has requested Trump’s tax records from his accountants, Mazars USA. Mazars has indicated they will comply when they receive a “friendly” subpoena, which will formalize the request.


I’d agree that Neal’s letter is not nearly as stern as the one written by his R predecessor in which a demand for PP’s tax returns was made. Oh, wait, I only imagined that.


In normal times, he could actually be arrested if he persists in openly breaking the law (that would require escalation on the part of House Dems though, first issuing a contempt order and then a summons, etc… do they have it in them to do that?).

The problem we have now is, this president* is openly telling his Cabinet heads to break the laws he doesn’t like, and he’ll just pardon them if there are consequences.

He probably doesn’t even realize just how badly that corrupts the office of the presidency and just how severe an abuse of power that represents. For a president who is Constitutionally bound to “faithfully execute the laws of the land” to remotely imply his people should break the law without concern, should itself be an impeachable offense, shouldn’t it?

And WHY THE FUCK aren’t the GOP saying a goddamned thing about that, or the 9/11+Omar stuff??? I swear to God, McConnell sure looks like he’s trying to start Civil War 2… by remaining silent, the GOP only serve to drive a wedge further into our already highly-polarized society… by now, it’s intentional and willful. Who’s being “anti-American” now, Mitch?

Lord knows, I don’t think I can despise those fuckers any more than I do today. And yet, I’m sure they’ll exceed all my expectation again tomorrow. God damn them all to hell…


I’m sure your employees had much higher regard for you than Dimon’s have for him!

But he’s probably a sociopath and doesn’t care that he’s a loathsome pox on society.



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A “legal reason”? None whatsoever.

“The solution”? Hardly.

I have supported all these people, some of them for decades. I can support challengers just as easily.

Coup may be an extreme term, but the Trumpians have definitely hacked our democracy. It looks like they can get away with any activity, lawful or against all prior norms, and no one will or can do anything about it.

Soft Coup if you will, for the result is ths same.

If you’ve ever had to fire someone from a large org, particular govt org, especially USG, the process is Not Fast and has multiple layers to ensure the employee is given every possible chance to improve.

One thing I was thinking this week is that organizations run on documentation. Things get written down and recorded for a record.

It all seems very tedious and c’mon let’s cut to the chase but I highly encourage you to read the documents being put out. At least from House Dems they’re written in plain English and accessible to the average person (IMHO). I think this is intentional - they are compiling a record that We the People can see for ourselves.

When you consider how fast the media took the WH “exonerated!” narrative when a 10 minute reading of Barr’s “Summary not a Summary” did no such thing you can see why the Dems would want their record to be available to us to inspect and compare to the media narrative and make up our own minds. :sunglasses:

Here’s Cummings’ Notice of Intent to Issue Subpoena to Mazars USA LLP sent to his committee members Friday. It’ll take < 10 mins to read and IME is quite interesting. Esp Section III. :smiling_imp:

The metaphor I’m using is this is an ocean liner which Rs had pointed in the direction of cover up and Ds have had to 180d course correction and then build up momentum.

I think Mueller finishing his report and the Barr SNAS Letter and the subsequent UnBarring has rapidly moved us into the public portion (short thread) of this process and things are picking up speed.

When an ocean liner at full steam encounters say a cigarette boat the cigarette boat ceases to exist while the ocean liner serenely cruises on.

It’s a juggernaut in every sense of the word. :sunglasses:

Cc @hoppy @bobatkinson @gregor


I think they’re all employed driving Ubers and Lyfts in Austin.

I know the population is growing exponentially, but the traffic seems even worse than it should be and in the evening, every fourth car is apparently a rideshare.


I can no longer make such an assumption. McConnell has been nuclear-izing/breaking/rewriting the Senate rules to enable fast-tracking of Judicial appointments. Ramming through as many as 40 judicial nominees in a day, aka “packing the courts”.

And, if it survives long enough to get to SCOTUS, all bets are off… McConnell’s Justices (Gorsuch and Kavanaugh) are now consistently voting their ideology over the core tenets of precedent and law. When they choose to vote in that way, who or what can stop them?

McConnell, via Trump, has corrupted and politicized the Judicial Branch. the damage will be felt for generations…

Of course. Neal’s laying the groundwork for a legal battle while Rettig/Mnuchin/Trump stall and flout the law. The final paragraph in Neal’s latest letter sounds like he means business. And the Dems better not wimp out.


Well, in that case he might decide to give them yet another deadline – to lay even more groundwork!

One can never lay enough groundwork.


I’d like to see a breakdown of where the jobs are at full employment, and in which job sectors, and how many people are making ends meet in the gig economy and/or working two jobs.