Discussion: Dem Chair Gives IRS New Deadline For Trump's Taxes, Dismisses Legal Concerns

Let’s sic Waters on Dimon next for his answers to this question about a hypothetical underpaid JP Morgan employee. Dimon take home $31M a year, employees takes home $37,500, and it never occurs to him to say, let’s give her and other employees a raise!

With a take-home pay of $35,070 a year, including a $750 bonus, the employee came up nearly $600 short a month on her expenses, even excluding costs such as clothes and medication.

“I don’t know,” Dimon replied. “I’d have to think about that.”

“Would you recommend that she take out a JPMorgan Chase credit card and run a deficit?” Porter asked.

“I don’t know. I’d have to think about it,” Dimon replied, this time somewhat curtly.

“Would you recommend that she overdraft at your bank and be charged overdraft fees?” Porter asked.

“I don’t know,” Dimon replied again. “I’d have to think about it.”


Mnunchin and the IRS head need to be cited with contempt on April 23, and arrested and imprisoned.


Building a solid paper trail for the eventual court case? Methinks we need to be patient grasshopper. More will be revealed.


It appears that is exactly what Chairman Neal is contemplating but being diplomatic about it.

@sonsofares Neal is saying we’re taking you court if you fail to comply by the April 23 deadline. Being polite and patient is a thing of the past.



To everyone who demeans and criticizes current sitting members of the House the solution is to run for office yourselves. Bring your spines to D.C. and we’ll hide and watch what it is you do in the same position as current members.

@sonsofares @georgeh


PP will watch this debate unfold from the comfort of a golf course in VA. To put it into perspective, PP has been in office 861 days


I hope that will be so.

Mnuchin and the IRS man are not Trump.

I truly don’t understand…this guy publicly broke a law that clearly defines what actions he must take and also clearly lays out the penalty for not taking that action. Why isn’t he under arrest already, instead of getting a new deadline? Oh, wait a minute, since it’s a federal crime, does the justice department need to charge him? It looks to me like we are already in a constitutional crisis.


Fire and fury are best left to the administration’s mouthpieces who know far less than they should about how this government is run and know none of its laws.


Neal’s going to take Mnooch to court on April 23. That’s the message, forget the timing.


That is rich coming from you.

Most of us who are not members of the “Donor Class” cannot afford to run for Congress. We have bills to pay and families to support. Therefore, we vote for the person we want to represent us.

Unfortunately, Nancy Pelosi, the Queen of the Donor Class, has decided that DCCC should use its resources to prevent primary challengers to her incumbent power base making it even more difficult to run for Congress as a Democrat.

She can’t have anymore activist Congress people like AOC stealing the limelight from her.

Laws are for little people.

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We’re bringing water guns to a ballistic missile fight. But we have the best water guns.


They will slow-walk this demand ad infinitum. Just start cranking out the subpoenas and stop the pussy-footing. It’s clear none of these jackasses respect the law on paper. Time to bring out the law in live action, then let the gears start grinding the whole cabal into a fine powder.

From my seat in the peanut gallery, I find this entire display by the Trumpster’s yes men utterly disgusting. Start threatening Mnuchin with 5 years in jail and see what happens.


Gums look VERY healthy!

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It is very difficult for Dems to not live up to their stereotype of toothless wusses whose favorite weapon of choice is a very strongly and sternly worded letter.


And for FS, use force with them. USE IT.


Earth to the US: You have been in a constitutional crisis for two fucking years! Do you care? Then do more than talk and overthink and have hope. Jesus, people, wake up.


This is a pretty strong letter, there’s a lot of impatience in it for an obviously illegal action by Treasury, but it also has a political aspect to it. Mnuchin tried to make it into a “we have to look at the legality” type of thing, and Neal is cutting that off in the public arena and for the eventual court case. There is no argument about this, the law is clear, and this letter lays that out clearly and without room for argument. The extended deadline is there to allow the IRS to get the forms together, that does take time. If we get the same dance (and it will come from Mnuchin, Rettig knows the law but is obviously being blocked and pressured), then the next step will be a lot more serious.

It is really important to make sure everything is so nailed down that even a Trump judge will have to go along with it if they intend to follow the law…and if they decide not to the corruption will be so clear that anyone not in the Trump bin of deplorables will get what’s going on and be worried by an administration and party that ignores the law. Do that enough times in two years and the Republicans lose…it has to be a stark difference for the strategy to work.


I hope this is the final step before we drop the dreaded Triple Dog Dare on these two rubes… Let’s see if the want that five year prison sentence.


Yes, please please PLEASE don’t comply, Mr. IRS chief. I want to see Mnuchin and Barr frog-marched into the House chamber in irons and censured then and there… possibly even arrested for willfully breaking the law

Come on, we need to start calling it what it is, loud and clear, across the entire administration, every time it happens. When they break the law we don’t just stand there uncomfortably, shifting from one foot to the other, looking around helpless. We lay out some smackdown on their sorry asses. Start using the fucking cudgel, Dems!!!

When I was growing up I learned a little parable that summarized as, “Fight fire with fire.” Republicans are aggressive, uncivil pricks, almost across the board. I think it’s time to fight fire with fire. See if they can take some of their own medicine…

It’s time for Dems to play the GOP game of aggressive politics. Full frontal, badass, unapologetic, liberal progressivism in their faces everyday. They say we’re “liberals”? Why yes, we are, and fucking proud of it.

Let’s see how they suck on that…

*Jesus, I’m angry today. Mad as hell at the constant shitstorm, at the GOP for staying silent in the face of Trump’s 9/11+Omar bullshit, for yet another confirmation from the grotty fucking Senate, where Mitch McConnell thinks he’s the fucking king of the world. “That bill is DOA in the Seante”… fuck you! Goddamn vote on the bills and we’ll see about that!

I need Trump gone. WE need Trump gone. If he wins re-election in 2020, it’s over. Trump as a four-year, lame-duck president? We’d be so utterly and irreversibly fucked. I’ll probably give up on calling the USA my home if that happens.

So yeah, I’m mad and sad. Fuck…

Sorry folks.