“I don’t support most of his policies” which one does she support? She is a typical coward of a Democrat in a state who can’t handle a sable president in the White House, some can’t work for a person of color because it means they are your boss and that does not set well with the " We are better and smarter than you crowed.
Well, gee, does she support impeaching Obama, then? Does she say that she’s a member of the “Democrat” Party? Maybe it’s worth letting West Virginia be a Republican redneck state if it means not having supposedly Democratic candidates like her and Joe Manchin bad-mouthing their own party. God damned “blue dogs” can go to hell.
I’m not so sure about them mellowing out. 30 years of repub hate towards liberals and Dems has a lot of people brainwashed and propagandized.
It worked for Joe Manchin. It’s how you keep Mitch McConnell or any other R from being Majority Leader. If that happens, legislatively, it is game over for BHO.
The woman doesn’t have the courage of her convictions, and that is why she is going to lose.
Maybe if the Democratic Party fired all the Washington consultants and did some real party building the party would be competitive in states like West Virginia.
The Democratic Party has totally abandoned large sections of the country. In Missouri the Democrats are so weak they can’t even find somebody to run for state auditor.
Then she needs to run as a Republican. Honestly, what a farce.
Except Joe M was the Governor before he ran for the Senate. People knew who he was and what he stood for – regardless of his positions.
Natalie Tennant is running against somebody with much better name recognition. She has to give people a reason to vote for her. And lining up against Obama isn’t going to persuade anyone to go to the polls.
trying to keep some distance from “the Obama…”
When I say “mellow out” I don’t mean that they’ll start liking Dems. I’m saying the rage will lessen as they take comfort in the idea that the president won’t be Black. For a not small number of Whites who are already deeply afraid of minorities’ rising power, who already believe Blacks and Latinos are coming to get them, having a White person back in the White House would bring them a sense of relief that maybe The New Black Panthers aren’t coming for their guns and daughters.
Also, let’s not forget that before 2008 Democrats controlled states like KY, AR, and WV. Democrats could not only get elected to state government but they could also win Senate seats. All those folks who were regularly voting for White Democrats didn’t just up and leave those states. They stopped voting for Democrats when Democrats “betrayed” them by nominating and electing a Black man. Some of those voters will undoubtedly come back to the party once that n(clang) is out of the WH.
although we will have lost a lot of good people in the process, i’m looking forward to the day when this political realignment will be finished (the one that started election night, 1980). I’m getting damned tired of these so-called democrats who run as republican-lites, hoping that enough of the voters are too stupid to catch it. I look forward to voting for honest to god democrats who are proud of that fact. yeah, we may get our noses bloodied, but we’ll be around to point out the evil of the G.O.P. If I were a West-Virginian, I’d be tempted to skit this election.
She has a tough row to hoe. This is the electoral map for West Virginia for the 2012 presidential election:
The red counties are the ones won by Romney and the blue ones are those won by Obama. What’s that you say? There isn’t any blue? Now you’re starting to understand the problem.
6 months ago, the polls had Tennant tied with Shelley Moore-Capito. This could have been a winnable race, just look at Allison Lundergan -Grimes in neighboring Kentucky. Unfortunately, Tenant has been a terrible candidate. She has done nothing to differentiate herself from Capito, when she had even bothered to campaign. Why vote for a fake Republican when you have a real one?
West Virginia used to be the most reliably democratic state. But due to her incompetence, and neglect from the DCCC, we have now lost this seat, and West Virginia, forever.
Way to go Natalie!
You win by running on Obama’s strengths… not from running away from how he is perceived by the ugly, racist right. The Dem party candidates need to appeal to the better angels out there… Offense is the only defense. The D in DNC has to stop standing for dissembling.
WV is so sad to want to vote for a republican who voted to repeal Obamacare 57 times. Capito also voted to privatize Medicare. I hope that WV voters wake up before it is too late. Tennant should say if the General meant I support social security and Medicare and raising the minimum wage than he is right. If those are the things he says I agree with President Obama than he is right. She should than go on to say here is the things I don’t agree with President Obama on.
Exactly correct. Folks here railing on her (and I understand where they are coming from) have to understand if she has any chance to win, she has to say the things she says. This is nothing new
Yes. WV doesn’t like most of Obama’s epidermis.
West Virginia. Sez it all.
From the left-coast here…
I don’t know Natalie from Eve, although I see her mantra is…
"There is too much corruption and greed in politics. I will fight hard to pass reform measures to clean up Washington."
But in all truth, be it that It’s West Virginia… I’d venture to say…
She doesn’t actually like Obama’s position on…
Wait for it!
Just a wild guess…
What? I do not support all of President Obama’s policies (surveillance, free trade deals, some others) but it seems to me you cannot possibly remain a Democrat and oppose “most” of his policies.
Do you or don’t you? Should we believe you or your campaign?
The south is doing a great job at keeping their citizens stupid. Mind blowing!