It’s West Virginia. They have to say these things to get elected. Alliso Grimes in Kentucky says the same thing. It’s fucking politics and Obama understands perfectly
West Virginia was a reliable Democratic state and was usually an easy Democratic pickup in presidential election years until 2008. I wonder what was different.
So true and pathetic
That’s not necessarily true. She probably would vote with the dems on most issues. It’s the fucking political system. Better have her vote some time with the dems than none at all.
Eh, I live in KY and I get it. WV and KY were the two states where a large percentage of people admitted to pollsters that they wouldn’t vote for a Black person for president. And they’re the two states so idiotically beholden to coal but too stupid to realize the EPA and Obama aren’t killing coal, fracking is. So, I completely understand why she can’t, under any circumstances look as though she’s supporting, embracing, etc. the president. I don’t think some folks understand the visceral level of hate these people have for Obama.
I wish that were true but it isn’t.
Blue Dog from W Va. Nothing to see here.
It’s not the walkback, it’s the being too dumb to avoid putting herself in the position of having to do the walkback in the first place. Now she’s managed to alienate everybody. Winner winner chicken dinner.
Absolutely! As far as Obama is concerned, you can call him a Big N all day long if it’ll get you elected and keep the Senate out of McConnell’s hands. As far as I’m concerned, if it’ll mean a senator who votes with the Dems 80% of the time instead of 0%, she can call me a nigger too.
ETA: There is a reason every other word out of McConnell’s mouth when campaigning against Grimes is “Obama”. In every McConnell ad or stump speech he makes a point to tie her to President Obama at least a half dozen times. It’s because out in the counties, particularly in Eastern KY, “Obama” is equivalent to Satan.
I live in Arizona and I understand it. It must be exhausting to cultivate and nurse that much hatred. What I’m curious about, though, is how all this hate will be redirected when Obama leaves office. Some think that it will be aimed at Hillary, but what if Hillary doesn’t run? We may think it’s bad now, but my bet is that all this middle-class angry white hatred will be loosed full force on immigrants. What we’re seeing now maybe just a warm-up act.
If Hilary runs, some of the hate in places like KY and WV will drastically mellow into, “Well, she’s one of the good ones. Not like that damn Obama.” If she doesn’t run, as long as the nominee is White, some of the hate will still dissipate as they realize “At least the president will be White like the good Lord and the founders intended.”
The candidate who stands for something usually wins, even when what they stand for is batshit crazy. Plenty of independents have said as much when polled.
I don’t care about idealogical purity and expect some disagreement, but McBain is right. There’s no point in running as a democrat if she doesn’t support the (mostly) democratic policies of the democratic president.
Also, I’d be curious if she has had to answer specifically what she disagrees with.
So why doesn’t she just run as a Republican?
Part of it is due to coal and the other could be because of race. You know it, I know it and the whole free thinking world knows it.
Which explains why Elizabeth Warren was OK to campaign with but not Obama.
I’ve never been in WV and my deepest acquaintance with KY is through “Justified” but I understand that visceral level of hate well enough. I saw it on display all through the South in the early 60s on the TV news when I was a kid, and it never really disappeared. It just went mostly underground until that uppity dark fellow from Illinois had the temerity to think he was qualified to do anything besides bus tables and shine shoes.
I just don’t believe that a non-incumbent like Tennant is ever going to win in this situational context by running away from the head of her party.
She lost the day she registered to run, out of fear. Trailing consistently in the polls now she is running headlong into her fears.
Simple. Repubs hate liberals and Dems. They will just move on to the next person they can heap their hate on. Repubs sure hated Bill Clinton and they will hate Hillary too.
See the picture at the top. That is what we call a loser.