Little Cory – still running away from his record. Since only about one third of voters in Colorado are registered as Republicans, this is his only chance. He has spent the last four years as a Tea Party champion and a stooge for Boehner in the House, but now is campaigning as a tree-hugging feminist. Last week the Denver Post endorsed Gardner and in order to have something to say about him without making him appear a laughable nut case, they repeated much of the fraud that has been his campaign.
The Dems are spending their resources where it will do the most good, and of course Douglas County is not the place. But counties do not get electoral votes like the states, so every vote counts in the state tally.
It is amazing how the Republicans dance to a different tune when they are coming up for an election and running from their own record in order to get votes. Once in office, they revert back to being far right extremists.
Probably explains why the 5 wing nut Republican judges on the SCOTUS ruled that lying is perfectly acceptable behavior…unless you are a none-Republican.
HOW does one combat a voting cohort which is highly motivated but immune to factual persuasion? We use facts, they don’t and it’s very frustrating
Why would anyone expect a repug not to lie when they are caught red handed? THEY ALWAYS DO.
Better yet, send this guy to replace Todd.
“…a federal bill he sponsors is in effect a personhood bill, which could significantly limit abortion access…”
That’s not the point. Who cares about what it does “in effect”.
In fact, what it does is destroy liberalism, one fundamental notion of which is that government derives its authority from the governed who elect it. These personhood bills are government granting itself the authority to represent the interests of those who did not elect it – hi, we’re from the government and we’re here to litigate – and that is contrary to the founding principles of this country.
You can’t tax me to pay for a lawyer for my fetus.
You can’t do a census of people who don’t exist at any point in time.
Controlling the terms of the debate aids in controlling the outcome of the debate. “Death tax”, “death panels” for two. Don’t like the word/term that already exists? Make up a new one. Frank Luntz stuff.
No, the stonies are Democrats and tree hugging, armpit hair braided liberals. Unfortunately, teabaggers are easily motivated and it has nothing to do with any issue, common sense or smarts of any kind, just the fact that they can vote against something and hurt the system that they use so that they can complain some more.
I have friends that are very competent in their work and most everything but they are complete loons regarding politics and there is no talking to them without getting yelled over about Obama this or liberal that. I had two in front of me yesterday clutching on to their mail-in ballots like they were the most precious thing that they ever had. They vote and we vote but for completely polar opposite reasons.