Yay! Someone with unimpeachable standing!
Could other restaurants/hotels/bars join this suit?
I really like suggested remedy © Resign as president of the United States. I would hate for the Trump family to lose any money by having to divest themselves of this nice property.
Good luck, Khalid and Diane! (Of course, Trump will countersue . . .)
Didn’t Chaffetz demand an “unredacted” copy of the lease? Is he too busy chasing Russians to read it?
Isn’t he one of the “little” guys Trump vowed to help? Just another lie in The Trumpman Show.
Cork is not seeking damages through the legal challenge, but the lawsuit lays out three possible remedies: the hotel suspending operations for the rest of Trump’s presidency, Trump and his family fully divesting from interests in the hotel, or Trump stepping down as President.
Door #3, please.
Thank you, Cork! And whom ever is funding the suit. This is the kind of action that may force the GSA to do something, or at least embarrass them for failing to act.
I love it.
Chiselin’ Trump: “The owners of Cork Wine Bar failed to mention a fourth remedy. They should begin selling only Trump brand wine and steaks. Their customers will love it and their business will skyrocket! It’ll be a win-win-win all around!”
If they crowdfunded the suit, I’ll betcha it would be MORE than paid for. The whole emoluments clause issue, and it is clearly an issue and the lease clearly says Trump is in violation of the hotel lease, lies uncontested over the issue of “standing.” The person filing a suit has to show that THEY personally have been harmed in some way, and while I know Trump and his team will attack with lots of obfuscation, delays and the best weasel legal tactics, THIS suit does seem the best yet in terms of having a valid status to sue. I wish them all the best.
I’d chip in for a crowdfund especially if they got other businesses within a certain mile radius to join the suit. Amazing that we lowly US taxpayers have no “standing” to sue PeePee since we own the property he’s leasing (and in violation of the lease terms) but these local businesses are in a better position to sue for cause.
I think these days Trump just calls up his SS guys and has the complainant “disappeared”.
So do we, the taxpayers, pony up for the lawyers to defend trump and his family against the suit?
I’m betting their first move is to claim either sovereign immunity or that trump is too important to be bothered with a suit like this right now, so it will have to be postponed till he’s out of office.
I will, too.
Wine Bar-Fight!!
That would be the basis for an additional suit.
Yes more like this please if every contractor the donald and his spawn screwed over in the last 5 years got together and sued as a group I’m sure they could crowd fund the money for the lawyers and thanks to kellyanne conways husband you can sue sitting presidents.
Mrs. Hoagie and I will have to make a point of visiting Cork on a regular basis.