Discussion: David Vitter

Discussion for article #242663

Yes, when I fall on my ass I can get up. That’s the real reason for the diapers. Really.

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Finally! A story about this race that actually mentions WHEN IT IS!! Thanks!!

Another (somewhat surprising) message in the ad: Jindal did a giant deuce in the Louisiana diaper.


Vitter has not been a good representative for the people of Louisiana (for corporations yes, the people no), I hope Mr. Edwards focuses on that next.

Wait… 2007 is 15 years ago? Whaaaa?


does the Governor’s mansion have a secret backdoor/service entrance?

Wait. Is Vitter nodding at that boy in the picture about prostitution?

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A tried and true Louisiana tradition…say you have sinned and been forgiven while trotting out the family.


Is it mean to say I can’t imagine that Louisianans want to watch Vitter’s wattle bounce around for the next four years whether he had a thing for hookers or not? (But that does make it so much worse…)

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Vitter: Were they talking about the 2007 scandal, or the 2000 scandal?

Good ad. That should bring a few straying sheep back in to the fold.

This ad should be prefaced with the disclaimer: “Yes. We at the Vitter for Governor Campaign really do think you are stupid enough to buy into this.”


Rep. John Bel Edwards you are dangerously close to being a stupid SOB - you better have more political artillery to fire at Vitter … if you sit back and just watch Vitter roll around with this and reshape the narrative - you will see him squirm out from under it just in time to recover his ability to get his cretin followers to the polls.


Dude, you did not just fail your family. You failed your constituents, many of whom are still waiting for an apology (or a resignation).


You got busted. That’s why you had to come clean. And make your wife stand next to you like she had something to do with it. Outrageous!

Piss poor coward!


Yes, “forgiveness and love” that will be spared anyone other than him, because they don’t deserve it!

What a loser. Why do they always ASSUME they have been forgiven? By whom? God? Well, I guess we’re all just supposed to take his word for it, just like we took him at his word in his marriage vows, which he trashed, and his swearing in as Senator that he would obey the law, which he trashed. Vitter is a goner!

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Is that Vitter’s family in the clip? If so, that’s just undeniably creepy. You wanna do it? Fine. You drag your wife to stand by you? Whatever. But your kids? Jeez.


The comments here at TPM are the first draft of the next ad.

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Did he say that he’ll “get up” or “get it up” for Louisiana? So, ahem, hard to tell…

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