Discussion: David Duke Praises Trump For Remarks Defending Pro-Confederate Protesters

As far as I know, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson didn’t try to violently overthrow the US government in support of slavery.


Might as well have elected Pat Buchanan. I didn’t think being a fucking white supremacist was one of Donald Trump’s top ten failings, but here we are.


What a fine “president” we have. He attracts praise from all the “best people.”

It is time for the Cabinet and Congress to begin a process to remove Trump, either by impeachment or the 25th Amendment, he has got to go. Trump is clearly off the rails and we cannot afford to have him making decisions in a crisis.


I think there’s a place in the Administration - such as it is, and while it lasts - for this fine patriot, Mr. Duke. Perhaps he can take Bannon’s place and turn the racism, bigotry and hate up a few notches.


Trump should be ecstatic. Obviously his real base loved this speech.


It’s at the point where the beliefs and politics of David Duke and Donald Trump are indistinguishable.


but you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists, okay?

Yeah, many of them were just traitors who still support the Confederate States of America.

Not all Nazis were anti-Semitic either. What’s your point, lard-ass?


The video also included Trump saying not everyone at the rally on the side of white supremacists was a neo-Nazi or a white nationalist.

Well, isn’t it bad enough for them to be white supremacists?!?




I don’t understand what the problem is here. Trump is a racist. Once you accept that, everything he says makes sense.


David Duke is not helping his own cause here. All he should do is keep his mouth shut and smile. Instead, he’s throwing gasoline on the pyre Trump has lit and stepped into.


[quote=“maxaroo, post:11, topic:60669, full:true”]
I don’t understand what the problem is here. Trump is a racist. Once you accept that, everything he says makes sense.
[/quote]How many times have we heard someone in the media or in politics say: “I don’t know if Trump’s a racist” or “I can’t say if he’s a racist”? Then recall all the times Hannity, Limbaugh and other right wing media, and probably some Republican politicians, called Obama a racist. So, yes, the media and all of us need to acknowledge (I’m not sure anyone wants to just accept it) that Trump is a racist. Oh, yeah…and he’s fucking crazy, too.


David Duke once called me a “hook nosed Jew” in an email once. Good times.

I would smile broadly if this old racist pig would just keel over and die already.


If Sherman wants to rise from his grave and march on the White House, that’s fine by me.


Grift uber alles.


Some one ought to demand that the White House produce the people at the Friday night Tiki torch fest who weren’t a Nazi, or white supremacist, but just an interested historian.

I lived in Charlottesville for a time and liked the town and the people a lot. The whole thing has me almost too sick to even comment.


Yes, and dragging Trump along with him :heart_eyes:

Trump’s Storm Troopers are repeating history…

“Thousands of soldiers took the substance out of their field caps or were given it by their medical officers. It was laid on their tongues and gulped down with a swig of water. Twenty minutes later the nerve cells in their brains started releasing the neurotransmitters. All of a sudden dopamine and noradrenaline intensified perception and put the soldiers in a state of absolute alertness. The night brightened: no one would sleep, lights were turned on, and the “Lindworm” of the Wehrmacht started eating its way tirelessly toward Belgium… There were no more breaks – an uninterrupted chemical bombardment had broken out in the cerebrum.”

GWOTUS. Grand Wizard of the United States

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