Discussion: Dana Loesch Turns To FBI After Anonymous Troll Depicts Her Grisly Gun Death

No even twenty of ´em.


Yep, gun nuts do like the “cars are as dangerous” canard…

We should mandate that they carry insurance on their guns with similar penalties for non-insured etc…


Yer not kiddin´ . That was nothing.

Wonder why she doesn’t have one of these? That’s all she’d need, a gun along with God, in her holster!


Sonny, you’re real cute, but isn’t time for you to go home and start your homework?

Odd … don’t recall a peep of protest or displeasure from her when they made shooting targets with Obama’s likeness on them … or any other graphic fire-arms assault images …

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“Some of us may find name puns offensive or unfunny, and some of us simply cannot get enough of them. Sure, it’s a big world, yet somehow we all manage to fit into it.”

  • Pete Myenis

So…it’s her ‘right’ to carry a gun and make commercials but it is not a right for the graphic artist to alter it? No matter how tasteless?

She’s still a CREEP.

Much ado about nothing. That ad wasn’t graphic at all. I can see where the ending would be mildly shocking if you weren’t expecting it. But so what? It’s not advocating anyone to shoot her.

Is this a slow news day? Shouldn’t be. NASA says there’s water on Mars.

That video’s background music doesn’t go along with mayhem and death, which is really what guns are all about. May I suggest the theme from “Jaws” instead.

Nice dog whistle with the gun pointed at the “thug,” Dana.

I can imagine perhaps a copyright violation, but it’s not a threat to kill her nor an encouragement for others to do so I’m wondering what else is being pursued?

Dana Loesch meet Nancy Lanza,


SHE had a love for guns as well.


Not only that, but with a gun, she’s far more likely to be shot by an armed thief or intruder, than if she were unarmed.

What a hypocrite. Of course, I and the vast majority of liberals/lefties/commies/America haters/freedom haters/gay muslimz are very much against threats or advocacy of violence toward those we disagree with politically. Dana Loesch can not say that. Instead of making it clear she’s against right wing violence and terrorism, she denies it exists, but regularly stokes the flames - and makes justifications for violence against those she disagrees with politically. Now it’s against her, of course, she’s all for the government protecting - and against radical free speech advocacy. The self-centered right wing only seem to change their positions on things when it all of a sudden affects them personally. Disgusting narcissists.


“…I’m freedom’s safest place.”

Really? A tasteless and mean editing of your video and you want the FBI to go get him?
That’s what you call freedom?

Moderately hot chick who likes guns cashes in on Teatrolls’ mid-pubescent mentality. Story at 11.

Pressing wingnuts’ buttons. Priceless.

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I, of course, do not wish Ms. Loesch any ill will…

That said, the bitch gave up any right to complain about her treatment the moment she first jumped on the “Ammosexual” bandwagon and swore allegiance to the crazy of the TeaBaggers…

You and I have very different experiences.


But then, I never tell them I’m Christian.

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