Discussion: Dallas Gunman Learned Tactics At Texas Self-Defense School

So confusing. I thought an armed society was guaranteed to be a polite society.

And now it’s coming to light that the head of the NRA’s propaganda channel has been serially abusing women since the 1960s. This is the conservative “family-values” movement in all its glory.


Gun fetishists and their overuse of the word tactical make me sick. There’s nothing civil about this type of “self-defense” training. Some people just can’t stop wishing for that Hollywood hero shoot-'em-up moment, I guess. The problem is, it’s never coming, except in this type of tragic form.


Micah Johnson, an Army veteran, received instruction at the Academy of Combative Warrior Arts in the Dallas suburb of Richardson about two years ago, said the school’s founder and chief instructor, Justin J. Everman.

So, then, a “militia madrassa”. And there’s a market for this? Apparently so. Why can’t folks so inclined just chill out and instead take classes in lawn bowling? The gun/wearing camo/playing soldier culture is incomprehensible to me. Don’t get it. Never will.


“I don’t know anything about Micah. I’m sorry. He’s gone. He’s old to us.”

I’m sorry, negative publicity hurts sales.

What part of shooting-on-the-move is self defense? Sounds like mobile sniper school.


Some people just can’t stop wishing for that Hollywood hero shoot-'em-up moment

The core attribute of open-carry ammosexuals is adolescent fantasizing about imagined absurd threats and the equally absurd heroic ammosexual response, all with the goal of establishing their masculinity among their peers.

Ammosexuals are pathetic 21st century Walter Mittys.


I think that gun owners that seek training might, on a statistical basis, be more responsible and less likely to make errors or cause accidents.

I am not condoning the actions of Micah Johnson against Dallas police, which were presumably precipitated by extrajudicial police killings of black men in other parts of America. There is a component of his violence that clearly was a political act.

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(Re: new Ailes allegations [Ailegations?])

Wow. A 16-year-old among them. Classy guy.


There is also an element of trying to deal with personal problems in his own life. Both things can be true.


You could very well be right about that. It’s just that there’s a difference between training that teaches best safety practices (including storage protocols) and “training.”


When the training you seek is how to maximize your effective kill ratio, responsibility has been tossed off the balcony to the pavement below.


Micah Johnson Was Kicked Out of the Army for Stealing Panties


A lotta good-guy open carries down there too. Where’d they all go?


Why can’t folks so inclined just chill out and instead take classes in lawn bowling?

Because lawn bowling and other non-aggressive sports are regarded as feminine. One of the prime goals of the male ammosexual is to reinforce his own desperate need to be seen as manly and sexually potent.

Roger Ailes just chose a different but equally sick path to fulfill the same need.


Nice to know that we have a thriving Academy of Mass Murder Arts.


@magical_panda, @firstprime: Yes, training does improve your skill. It is supposed to.

In the context, of military weapons and materiel, the skill translates into reduced collateral damage and increased safety. You need complete training if you have any gun owners around. Its like driving school.

What happened in Dallas undermines two main NRA talking points: gun free zones and a good guy with a gun stopping a bad guy with a gun.
Not only Is Dallas not a gun free zone,the shooter was targeting individuals who were armed. And the good guys with guns couldn’t stop the bad guy with a gun. They had to use a robot to stop the bad guy.




The use of a military robot with an explosive device by police to kill an American citizen is deeply troubling.

Congress should hold hearings.

It is time for Chief Justice Roberts to take on this constitutional issue with the same urgency and alacrity that he want to rescue his fellow christian conservative friend Bob McDonnell who had taken suitcases of cash, Rolexes, Ferraris and vacations from businesses as governor.


Totally agree.

The bomb-toting robot business continues to trouble me (ETA @serendipitoussomnambulist me too) - the police have the guy pinned down, surrounded, totally outnumbered, and yet they are “concerned for their safety” (When have we heard that before?). So they have to have a quick resolution. They could have starved the guy out, for Chrissake. For all the apparent enlightened work the DPD was doing, it seems in the end they defaulted to the-only-good-bad-guy-is-a-dead-bad-guy mode.