Discussion: Dallas Gunman Learned Tactics At Texas Self-Defense School




All seemingly things that the “tactical” folks crave. How I wish Rod Serling were alive and able to send these people into REAL combat situations. Situations like the Bataan Death March. Like the Tank Battle at Kursk. Like Omaha Beach. Like the Siege of Leningrad.

Like the Battle of Stalingrad.

Like Russian POW camps in which “prisoner treatment” consisted of an open cage to the elements and that was that. No food, water, shelter.

Like the trek of the Wehrmacht to Moscow (the trek, the combat, the retreat). When Goebbels had to ask for women’s boas and coats because the High Command did not order winter clothing (because it was assumed it would not be needed).

There is no film drama which can accurately depict these military situations to a mass audience…without guaranteeing subsequent madness in the audience.

No popcorn here.

But, like most things, the people who “need to learn” lessons cleverly place themselves in socially structural positions so AS NEVER HAVING TO LEARN THOSE LESSONS…and those who “learn the lessons” may not even be people who need it, they being empathetic, perceptive and humane individuals.


The gun culture has made our streets dangerous for both civilians and police. The NRA and Republicans should be proud of this accomplishment. So why are some of them like Newt suddenly becoming so introspective? Guilty consciousness?


I would not trust Newt farther than I could throw him. There are, in my opinion, millions of people who would vote for Trump if he could act “Presidential” for three months. ANY thing that Newt says is self-serving.

For him and for Trump.

If Trump can’t bring himself to act older than 14, why not let a surrogate do it?


The shooter’s journey may have started in Afghanistan or the mean streets of Dallas. However, it veered off course and went down hill when the gun culture sold by the leaders of the NRA and GOP got a hold on him.


We saw how well that worked when Cheney supposedly took over for W. It doesn’t. It was the biggest conservative political mistake in history. This country cannot survive another.


The drones are coming to your neighborhood. It’s not going to be aliens at their controls.

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It’s Future Shock all over again. Our political system can’t deal with the techno advances and has instead deliberately become impotent. If the political parties are comfortable with science we have to develop new leadership that is. This country rejected long-term planning sometime around 2000 and it’s got to end.

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Good, solid and optimistic post. What I described (Newt being able to cover for Trump) will probably not work.

My Dad was a company grade commander. He NEVER wished to be surprised in the field. The situation with Trump is that he has to be assumed to be able to act in ways ranging from stupidity to genius–so that we are NOT SURPRISED if he manages to do the latter (even though most of us–myself included–do not believe he can).

I will not rest until Trump no longer is running for President of the United States under the banner of the GOP


Some intrepid reporter needs to ask why so many former LEOs are involved in teaching these types of classes, too.



Hey now, no need to drag Walter Mitty in this.

Or a terrorism school. The only thing missing is bomb making. Or that could be an advanced course, one never knows.


Teh Gun Nutz™ are always telling us that they need to be armed at all times to protect themselves from The Man.

Those of us with sense have long been pointing out that when The Man comes for you, your NRA-approved toys aren’t going to be of much help.

Sure enough, this guy met up with a robot with a bomb and lost.

Presumably, this will put an end to the arguments that we all need guns so we can successfully overthrow a tyrannical government, right?


Too bad there weren’t any other graduates from that school at the protest the other night. One of them could have taken out the Bad Guy With a Gun, what with all of that top-notch training.


It’s now becoming clear that this was not a race crime. More like an excuse for killing people.

These gun nuts hate authority to begin with and then they get brainwashed by the conspiracy theories constantly being playing on hate radio and Faux News 24/7. The gun industry is happy to provide the military arsenals and the training necessary for anybody to commit an atrocity.

Congressional Republicans better get their heads out of their *sses. The rest of us are sick of the human collateral damage on the streets and in minority neighborhoods. And they better quit making blacks, Hispanics and gays their scapegoats.

I can see gunmen storming public restrooms next looking for transgenders.

It’s insane what we have let happen to this country. Donald Trump personifies it. The Bundy group took over a wildlife refuge and terrorized a entire town because…because the government is supposedly going to take away their guns and whatever liberties they use as an excuse for going Rambo on the rest of us.

The only authority I’m worried about is the demagoguery kind. Trump has become a Far Right fascist and has an evil agenda that doesn’t include the continuation of this republic and its democracy.


so that’s what terrorist training camps are called in the USA.

did they also have monkey bars?


He’s another facet of the growing militarization of the US.

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Perhaps when Trump and the other Republicans are infiltrating and maintaining surveillance on the Muslims praying at the Mosques across the country, they could send a few guys over to these Civilian Combat Warrior Schools to, you know, see if there’s anything going on that might be of slight concern.


The NRA says the Second Amendment is essential to enable citizens to protect themselves against a tyrannical government. Isn’t that the justification the Dallas shooter used for his rampage? As he saw it, ‘the police’ as agents of ‘government’ were acting tyrannically against people like him. The tragedy is that sweeping generalizations like these miss the important point that the Dallas Police Department has one of the best records in effective, respectful community policing.


I never understand why NRA fetishists promote ‘training’ as a technique to limit gun violence. Who could believe the learning to use a gun more effectively will reduce the number of shooting deaths?

Of course, maybe they are persuaded by the financial reward from running these training camps.

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That’s a perfect term…