The key thing to note is that this is only off the table because Republicans in general, and Trump in particular, probably won’t be able or willing to offer a permanent fix to DACA, without some poison pill. Trump’s base would never forgive anyone for protecting dreamers, and I cannot see him testing his base on that issue.
Republicans plan to demand the full $5.7 billion Trump wants for the wall.
I believe they really want to destroy the party
The 31% want the wall
No one else
My handy calculator tells me 31% does not win elections and if they get primaried the FreeDumb caucus will put forth totally unelectable nut bars.
Welcome to the Lose-Lose world of Donald J Trump
I remember as a kid my old man whipping my ass twice, for the same offense, within a matter of days, or even hours. Didn’t happen often after the first few incidents. Ass whippings hurt.
Nancy will have to get out her belt again evidently. Everyone learns the hard way at first.
In a conversation with someone who kept repeating that “we need a wall, he promised a wall and he has to keep that promise,” I repeatedly pointed out that the one absolute rule of politics is that if you don’t have the votes, you don’t get what you want. (Yes, there are some tricks that can be played, for something small and without strong objections, or if the vote is really close, but the principle generally holds. And several of these tricks are no longer operative now that Republicans no longer control the House.) She simply did not want to accept this very basic truth.
Republicans plan to demand the full $5.7 billion Trump wants for the wall.
“There would certainly be no education in the third kick of a mule.” - a certain turtle-man wearing Kick Me! sign on his back.
and that Kochsucker yesterday after the hearings was asked about the discrepancy between what the intel chiefs were saying vs Trump
I am not making this up
“I really wasn’t listening to the hearings so I have no opinion on that”
I know you’re not making it up. I saw the same clip
That’s good. A wall would be permanent. Take all temporary crap off the negotiating table.
The Newt Gingrich Party of Obstruction and Government Shutdowns has gone from symbolic shutdowns under the hypocritical banner of The Deficit, to demanding in full, payment of Policy that does not pay for itself, that Mexico was supposed to pay for, all in one huge allocation.
The modern GOP is certainly destroying all of the things that used to make the USA governable. It is almost as if they were acting on behalf of an enemy…
It’s nice to see that this time the abuser gets his ass whipped with the belt.
Nancy Pelosi will be the first person I can think of who will actually be entitled to say to Trump, after she beats his fat ass, “See what you made me do?!”
As long as the GOPOS* controls the Senate and the Prince of Derpness is in the White House, DACA will never be a reality. Fight hard for what is needed now. Fight for the rest when we get rid of those Republican miscreants.
*(I think you can figure out what that acronym stands for. LOL!)
“Republicans plan to demand the full $5.7 billion trump wants for the wall.”? Hey repubs,that is some negotiating skills you are demonstrating there. Just one little problem though. Nancy,you know that new speaker of the house, has Spanky by the balls and she is far more likely to squeeze than let go.
Seems pretty simple to me. Counter the demand for all 5.7 billion with a permanent resolution for the Dreamers and those holding TPS and only add new barriers where you can get those plans out of the governing appropriations committees and floor votes
DACA Likely Off The Table As Democrats Doubt They’d Get Long Term Protections
Sounds like it might be on the table for the 2020 Democratic Party platform along with all the other stuff that The Dotard is blocking.
Yes - this is the right argument:
You want a permanent wall?
Then provide a permanent solution to Dreamers.
Nobody wants to solve immigration. Isn’t that sweet. It seems our politicians want to have an issue to fund raise on more than they want to solve the problem.
I don’t think Trump is wired to learn. He may never have been, but in his current degraded mental capacity he sure isn’t any more.
Which is why he is so catastrophically bad at this game, and I mean that in the game-theoretical sense. Politics is a repeated game. Reputation matters. If you screw people over once, they remember that, and funny thing, they’re less likely to trust you the next time around.
Donnie Boy is used to playing “single shot” games (Stormy Daniels may be able to provide more context there, although I’m OK if she doesn’t) with easily-intimidated contractors, tenants, patsy investors, etc., and doesn’t understand the rules in the big league.
The only repeat interactions are with his wives and those ended in divorce.
He also promised that Mexico would pay for the wall. A bit of information your friend and other Trump supporters conveniently ignore. He promised that for 18 months! Now he’s coming to us with his tin cup and threatening to shut down the government if the American taxpayer doesn’t finance, hence enabling, his lies.