Michael Flynn AKA The Gift That Keeps on Giving
What. A. Cluster***k.
So Turkey was only paying him for part-time representation?
They’re going to be pissed!
I wonder if Jill Stein starts whistling nervously when she sees that photo?
A spokesperson for Flynn told the Wall Street Journal that he had notified the Defense Intelligence Agency of his RT appearance.
I wonder if the DIA will confirm that
Yeah, there’s a reason I turned down the offer when Best Buy offered me free Kaspersky security software when I upgraded my hard drive.
Flynn received classified security briefings from soon after Trump’s nomination. Even if he knew nothing about it (which none of us believe), Trump needs to pay for his lack of judgment, failure to vet his aides, and reckless exposure of the country to attack by our enemies.
Said it before, saying it again:
Vetting is only necessary when the last name is not Anglo-Saxon.
How is this not dereliction of duty on the part of the President to appoint and then provide unfettered access to highest level of classified information to a man so compromised?
What kills me is the Trumpsters vetting process…
Whats a little collusion with the Russkies? Its not like it’s a security position or anything…
We have the goods on you Trump
You better hire our pals Flynn and Tillerson or else
None of which bodes well for the country
Christ on A Cracker!
What was her fee for her appearance?
”National Security Adviser Michael Flynn took money from three Russian companies, including the state-run RT news organization…”
Did they hide the cash in a hollowed-out pumpkin, a loose brick in a wall, or a cut-out library book?
Did they signal drops with chalk on a mailbox, chewing-gum on a lamppost, or newspaper on a park bench?
You gotta admit, PeePeeCo’s rationale for “extreme vetting” is sounding a bit hollow right now…
trumPP puts a premium on loyalty in those he nominates. Competence and honesty don’t factor into it. Sycophants is the polite word for what they are.
Because in Trump’s self-interested eyes - Flynn isn’t compromised.
Lay off Flynn… he was a soldier, and nothing can be more patriotic or selfless than a soldier.
Treason. We need indictments for Flynn and his foul offspring, so that they roll over on Donald and his.
At what point does this traitor get thrown into jail? #lockhimup
I have questions. Lots and lots of questions.
The Trump “Vetting” process consisted of ONE QUESTION: “Will you guarantee your unquestioning loyalty to Donald J. Trump?”
If you answered YES you were hired.
If you said “What?” or “No” you were passed over.
You have to possess two things for that:
- Self Awareness
- A sense of shame.
She has neither.