Next week, we’re at the two-month mark. I’m so tired of all this I can barely bring myself to comment. Can’t we push through the Flynn investigation and get on to Trump’s deployment to space, strapped to the outside of a fucking Sputnik?
In the words of George Oscar Bluth, “Just a little light treason.” I hope something big develops out of this, despite GOP attempts to minimize this crime. I also expect an incoming tweet from the OSG, along the lines of “I don’t even know this guy!”
I forget. Who’s National Security Advisor is Jill Stein?
repeat this until it sinks in: Trump appointed a foreign agent as head of national security.
Is Kaspersky PC software a risk for us?
If we want the GOP to impeach Trump we have to get him to do one thing - raise taxes.
Flynn did all this under Obama’s watch, so watch Trump blame Obama for this.
Our current President is a ridiculous person.
Jeebus! Go to a couple of meetings, stop by the bank and grocery store, come home and all hell done broke loose.
Seeking position as National Security Advisor.
Requested salary is firm.
Nation (or nations) is negotiable.
Slight quibble - seems like, for close Trump associates, “being compromised by the Ruskies” is a feature, not a bug.
It quoted a Bloomberg Businessweek report that said Eugene Kaspersky, founder and CEO of Kaspersky Government Security Solutions, “was educated at a KGB-sponsored cryptography institute, then worked for military intelligence.”
Its parent company, Kaspersky Lab, is the “top Russian cybersecurity company,” and “the foremost researched uncovering Western government spyware for the past several years,” according to the committee, quoting a Reuters report.
So Trump installed a Russian mole as his chief national security advisor. No wonder he is trying to distract with wild accusations about the former president.
And why was the Green Party candidate for prez Stein at this dinner with Putin? Irony of ironies, the seemingly Nazi-Putin sympathizer siphoned votes from the progressive candidate who believes in science and global warming to throw the election to the most anti-green candidate possible.
3: None of the above - they sent it straight to Trump Tower, c/o DJT.
I guess it’s worth noting that the only tax returns she’s ever disclosed in her two presidential runs (2012/2016) is the first two pages of 1040 for 2015.
Good intel on Kaspersky - did not know his KGB background.
Btw isn’t Kaspersky a prominent sponsor of Nice Polite Republicans (“NPR”)?
Flynn was bought and paid for by the Russians…just like his former boss.
She’s an expert on siphoning protest votes.
I wonder if Jill got a thrill up her leg while dining with the guy who’s had plenty of political opponents murdered.
I wonder how much money was funneled—properly laundered, of course—to the Stein campaign at the behest of that same murderer.
It would be irresponsible not to speculate.
Well, his service to an openly hostile adversary would seem to call that prior service into question now, wouldn’t it.
I’ll give you one thing, however: no way Flynn (aka “Flynn Facts” as his subordinates at the NSC referred to him) concocted this scheme on his own.
“I may have committed light treason”- George Bluth
And all he did was build homes in Baghdad in violation of sanctions. For all we know, Trump provided a conduit to Putin for all classified military secrets in return for a beauty pageant in Moscow that gave him carte blanche to visit the young women’s dressing room unannounced.