Discussion: CT Reporter Resigns Blaming Plagiarizing Publisher With Adelson Ties

Discussion for article #244112

Resigning in protest. Very old-school. Quite refreshing.


Yes, his resignation is old-fashioned, real, analog version behavior of an honest courageous human, compared to the corrupt digital version of msm.


I’m not to clear on what’s happened here…the publisher is a Sheldon Adelson stooge? In Connecticut? So, Adelson, like Murdoch, owns papers all over the country? So, this Adelson stooge inserted something plagiarized into the paper this reporter works for, to slant it in a positive manner towards Adelson?

I dunno…whatever. Adelson, the Kock brothers, and yes, I meant to spell it that way, Murdoch, Ailes, O’Reilly, Limbaugh, and Hannity can all go fuck themselves. They are all propagandists that would make Goebbels proud.


The more sunshine that is shone up Sheldon Adelson’s adventures the better. His overseas casino investments are ratholes of corruption and now his newspaper publishing will be following them down the tube. Expect more crap to hit the fan in the coming months.


Add this:


LAS VEGAS (AP) — When several reporters for the largest newspaper in Las Vegas were taken off their beats and assigned to investigate three judges, the decision seemed strange because it came from the paper’s owners, not a newsroom editor.

The mystery deepened weeks later, when the public learned that casino mogul Sheldon Adelson’s family had purchased the paper in a secretive deal. And the questions only intensified, leading the Review-Journal to publish a front-page story about suspicions that the executives who were in talks with the Adelson family had attempted to use the paper to strike out at a judge handling a lawsuit against the wealthy political donor known as a Republican kingmaker.


in related news…

Fox News announced their support of the politically incorrect publisher because he wished everyone a Merry Christmas and said god bless America at the end of his remarks…


I have learned with horror that my boss shoveled a story into my newspaper – a terrible, plagiarized piece of garbage about the court system – and then stuck his own fake byline on it. …he submitted a plagiarized story, bypassed what editing exists and basically used the pages of my newspaper, secretly, to further the political agenda of his master out in Las Vegas. In sum, the owner of my paper is guilty of journalistic misconduct of epic proportions.

Now THAT is how you quit a job in style!


Michael Schroeder.

Liar. Plagiarist. Tool.


The editor is in cahoots with Adelson., specifically, he manages the company that Adelson used to cover the purchase of the Vegas paper.

Back in CT, he created a fictitious name, lifted various pieces from other stories, and blended it all together to counter bad press Adelson was receiving locally. He then slid it in late at night so nobody would catch it.

The pattern is that Adelson is engaging in under the radar propaganda, as opposed to Murdoch who does it out in the open.


Well, like the man said, power tends to corrupt. And this particular kind of corruption hastens the arrival, already coming soon, of the day when we literally cannot talk to each other about how to solve a problem, or if we even have a problem, or what constitutes a problem, or anything, basically. We won’t have an agreed-upon common frame of reference. We won’t be able to talk at all. So fuck you Murdoch, and fuck you Adelson, and fuck all you rich fucks. And Merry Christmas to the rest of you and God help us all.


Well, now you see why Adelson wanted to keep his purchase of the newspaper completely confidential. But you plebeians had to ruin it for him. Poor, poor rich guy. He’s just trying to buy influence. What else, for the man who has everything?


In sum, the owner of my paper is guilty of journalistic misconduct of epic proportions.

And as further testament to the declining state of journalistic standards, said owner will be rewarded handsomely by Adelson and his stooges, who shall without haste fabricate a tale that Collins himself is guilty of some sort of misconduct.


Most importantly one of the judges is presiding over a wrongful termination suit against Adelson’s company. Follow the money…


Santa came early. Barstool Palin had the kid, named her SAILOR. Guess she’s narrowed the father down to someone in the Pacific Fleet.



All the news that can be bought.

That should be the new logo for these Adelson papers.

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In my past I did a resign in protest due to a superior’s dishonest behavior. Cost me a lot of income but I felt good about it.


If you get the chance, please read this FB post by one of Schroeder’s long time employees from The Bristol Press. He just quit. https://www.facebook.com/notes…

Also, please share on your FB page and Twitter (if you have one) and promote their fantastic Charity - Youth Journalism International. We really need ppl with integrity teaching our young.

Let me go out on a limb here and predict the name of the next 4 pups:


Which raises the question: how many more Adelson-salted stories are out there? Already ran or ready to run?

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