Discussion: CT Reporter Resigns Blaming Plagiarizing Publisher With Adelson Ties

And I predict that this story won’t have an iota of a presence in the mainstream print and broadcast media—the only people touching it will be filthy liberal bloggers like TPM.

Welp, somebody’s gotta carry the torch.

I figured the baby would be named Tripe—

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Murdock has his Ailes, Adelson has his Schroeder. Just whores who do what their masters want. Maybe they’ll change the name of the Las Vegas paper to the"Faux Review-Journal. Then they can claim…Fair and Balanced!! Amazing how the cretins of the wealthy think theybcan manipulate to their way with just money. The truth will win out. It did in this case. The Las Vegas paper starts out with suspicion since Adelson bought it and will continue to be under suspicion. Just as Faux News is an arm of the Republican Party so will the Review-Journal.

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Agree, and I expect this to only accelerate with the enormous amounts of political money wielded by campaign organizations.

Expect to see additional stories about newspaper publishers strong-arming or sneaking self-serving, slanted stories into the public.

Steve Collins Local Hero

Congratulations and a very Merry Christmas to you and family.

MattinPA: And this particular kind of corruption hastens the arrival, already coming soon, of the day when we literally cannot talk to each other about how to solve a problem, or if we even have a problem, or what constitutes a problem, or anything, basically.

civil discourse has been dumped on. it’s all foxed up. in the last couple of days i’ve seen the results of the right wing rage machines’ hrc campaign at full blast. normally intelligent people are in full blown hatred towards her. a fox or 2 attack every day since obama’s re-election has turned these people truly ugly. they have bought into all the bs. discussing the merit of an issue is no longer on the table. quite frightening. and yes, God help us.

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Schroeder - Coulda been Scott Walker’s running mate…

Highly interesting…Schroeder has that fresh faced, kid next door look…/s

See? This reporter is a prime example of the out-of-control liberal media and their anti-American, Sharia-inspired agenda. You just can’t trust 'em. He’s judging a man of business — a producer, a job creator, the man who was feeding this man’s children — with his elitist, politically correct “journalistic values.” This is what things have come to in Obama’s America. Aren’t journalists supposed to be objective? When will these people learn to be loyal to their superiors?

Golly, I guess Antonin Scalia is right – money IS speech. And it doesn’ even have to be your own words.

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A good man doing something!

This is part and parcel of what The Grumpy Old Party truly relishes. Turning back time. This time, it’s a story about newspaper and media influence being used to blackmail (Yes, I will use that word) a sitting judge or judges. This whole thing sounds like something out of the Pre Spanish-American War days of William Randolph Hearst.
Or Charles Foster Kane, if you prefer.
Now, tell me when someone at the DOJ is going to start asking questions about this whole mess?

Old fashioned? It’s Gene Evans in Park Row, greatest newspaper picture ever made.

It was easier to spell than Ratskiwatski.

That’s actually quite sexist. I don’t see any comments regarding unwed fathers. Granted the hypocrisy is stunning, but this is not right.

Also, can someone check that first sentence in the third paragraph. Something’s not right there either.

The hypocrisy.