Discussion: Cruz

Discussion for article #246277

“Indeed, the screaming you hear now from across the Potomac is the Washington cartel in full terror that the conservative grassroots are rising up,”

… says the walking sack of shit who’s been part of the “Washington cartel” since 2010…


Nice that he knows how terrorizing he is.

Does that make him a terrorist?




I don’t think I’ll be able to watch Ted on the tube too much. That snarky, slimy, smirk he kept putting out there tonight is something only his daddy could love. I can’t imagine 4 years of that…


Cruz: I love Washingnton Cartel so much that I want to be the owner of it. I want to run it all by myself as POTUS.


Is this the guy who said something on the order of, “lay off my children?” So why are those poor things dragged everywhere? It’s late! Put them to bed! Or does he think they humanize him? Too heavy a task, Rafe.


Hmmm…My prognostications: Cruz stays in for a long while (he’s ok with losing causes), ends up with between 10-20% of delegates. This leads to neither Trump nor Rubio getting to 50%. A crazy convention where Rubio wins due to old school smoke-filled room shenanigans, which will be the perfect springboard for a Trump independent anti-establishment run.


… “reasonable doubt” is out; “guilt by association” is in…

“Indeed, the screaming you hear now from across the Potomac is the Washington cartel in full terror that the conservative grassroots are rising up,” Cruz sa

Wow! He must really think we can’t remember all the way back to yesterday.

The super-liberal guy with the New-York values just kicked his ass, and yet, he just bloviates on. Any mere mortal with a conscience would be embarrassed.


What a moron!

He did all but declare victory in SC, but finished 3rd. And his heavy-handed campaign tactics and extreme butt-kissing to the evangelical crowd didn’t save his bony azz either. All hail…the loser!


He came in 3rd in SC today. NV is 3 days from now. Another 3rd place there would make 3/1 his last hope.


Nothing scares the establishment more than a third place finish in a state that was probably as good as it could get for Cruz demographically.


Cruz is the one who could make a deal with Trump to run as his veep just to block Rubes and the GOP establishment and he doesn’t have to give up his seat to do so. I think Trump at least respects Cruz for the lying conniver he his, doubt there is any respect for Rubio the empty suit.


I think I finally see what’s going on here. We’re having two nominations for two different Americas: the United States and the Confederacy. Jeb or the others may have been wanting to be president of the United States, but they’ve been crowded by two men who want to the second president of the Confederacy. Because there is no way in hell that their constituents with their love of the Confederate flag and the rest of their bullshit can possibly be part of the United States.


A nightmare indeed. But I really don’t think they would select him. Remember nobody likes him.

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Merely a playbook from Rubio’s 3rd place win in New Hampshire. And think about it: facts don’t matter to these people, so finishing third is an interpretative thing, not something reality based.


Isn’t it great how Rubio has now defined “losing” as “winning”? Orwell had it so figured out.


Who is in a bigger panic now, the GOP establishment or the beltway punditry who last year said Jeb is a shoo-in?


Thus proving again that the Tea-Party supporters live in constant “cognitive dissonance” (and that explains their signs like “Keep the Government out of my Medicare”.)
If you passionately believe in a “Loving God” who will condemn you to eternal Hellfire and Damnation for transgressing one of ten arbitrary rules written 3000 years ago by bronze age nomads wandering the desert looking for somebody to massacre and take their land, you will believe anything.