Discussion for article #235872
Cruz should come visit New Jersey if he thinks Hispanics don’t panhandle.
Cruz is typically seeing the equation from the wrong side.
In the wealthiest nation in the history of the world, why should there be a need for anyone to panhandle?
I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a Hispanic panhandler
Does the Senator own a mirror?
Most busy corners have a latina selling flowers each and every weekend.
He just turned his back? They said he was a master debater back in college!
Wait a second.
Didn’t his dad pass the collection plate as a pastor for the Purifying Fire Ministries?
If that ain’t panhandling…
And a boyfriend with bags of avocados or oranges.
The only statistics I can find on “panhandler demographics” are reported by Think Progress from San Francisco. They don’t break down the numbers for Hispanic men, but I assume they constitute part of the 21% that aren’t black or white. Asian-Pacific Islanders are not enumerated either. Many panhandlers are disabled. It is perhaps true in SF that fewer panhandlers are Hispanic, but a better question is how do the relative proportions of people who are panhandlers by ethnic/racial identity compare to the relative proportions of those sub-populations in the public at large. Blacks, who account for about 6% of SF County’s population obviously are overrepresented in the panhandler population of SF. And Whites, constituting about 54% of the county’s population are underrepresented.
83 percent are men
48 percent are African American
31 percent are white
69 percent are single
26 percent served in the military
70 percent are 40 to 59 years old
58 percent have been panhandling for at least five years
53 percent panhandle seven days a week
60 percent make $25 a day or less
94 percent use the money for food
44 percent use it for drugs or alcohol
62 percent are disabled
25 percent are alcoholics
32 percent are addicted to drugs
82 percent are homeless
In total, 146 people participated in the survey.
Interestingly, the Hispanic proportion of the County of San Francisco is about 15.3 percent as opposed to 38.4% for California as a whole. Neither Think Progress nor the linked SF Chronicle article give numbers for Hispanic or Asian-Pacific Islander panhandlers. My bet is that they do exist but, unlike Blacks [overrepresented] and Whites [underrepresented], Hispanic panhandler numbers and proportions may simply reflect their abundance in the general, overall population of SF County and weren’t worth reporting in the articles. Asian-Pacific Islanders comprise about 39% of the population of SF County and are obviously underrepresented in the SF Chronicle survey results, even though numbers and percentages are not given.
I just find it hilarious that he thinks he’s part of the Hispanic community.
He wouldn’t know a Hispanic community it it smacked him in the head with a burrito, bacalao, or empanada.
Then again, Cubans in particular have always been a category onto themselves. In my personal experience (not to say they’re all like that, I’m sure they’re not), a lot of them tend to think of themselves to be better than the rest of us mere mortals. Witness Cruz and Rubio.
That will likely continue until they stop getting insta-citizenship by simply stepping onto our shores.
Has this dipshit ever been to any large city in Central or South America?
The shame is on him
“But then I haven’t actually walked a city street like the common folk do in years,” Cruz added.
I guess he has never ridden the New York subway system.
“It’s a great question,” Cruz said, adding, "I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a Hispanic panhandler,
I’ve seen an Hispanic panderer. I’m looking at him right now.
Another piece-of-shit statement from a piece-of-shit person.
Absolutely perfect!
He’s trying to make it clear to the base that he’s just as much of a bigot as the other guys.
Given that Hispanic is a cultural designation and not a racial one, I’m pretty sure you can’t make a determination based on appearance. Charo, Roberto Clemente, and Alberto Fujimori are examples of Hispanics, and they don’t exactly look alike. What Ted really wanted to say was that he doesn’t see a lot of Mestizo panhandlers - it’s because the cops or la Migra swoop in and roust them regardless of their immigration status.