Discussion: Cruz Says Hispanics Don't Panhandle Because of Shame, Won't Comment on Blacks

He’s evolved out of master ***de***bating and is now simply pandering to rascist masterbators.


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Carnival Cruz graduated from master debating to Master Race debating.

Our Canadian friend did not evolve, because His god didn’t take part in that self improvement thing.

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People panhandle because they often bring in $400 to $600 a day. Compared to minimum wage jobs at least they can support themselves by panhandling

[quote=“View_from_the_front_porch, post:23, topic:19807”]People panhandle because they often bring in $400 to $600 a day.

Sorry, but that’s just not true.
There might be a handful of con artists who can do that and call it panhandling, but the vast majority live a hand-to-mouth existence an panhandle to survive.

In what world do YOU live in? Even taking YOUR figures, $400/day at 200 days per year is $80,000/yr. It sounds to me like you are a member of Ronald Reagan’s racist “I believe in the welfare queen in a Cadillac” club. So when did you start having your Alzheimer’s Disease like your hero Ronnie had?? At $80,000/yr I’m sure that the average panhandler only has to work 200days per year since he/she spends the rest of the year on vacation!! In Cabo, of course, because he/she is Hispanic.

Perhaps you didn’t mean to, but you disgust me! If it is in jest, it is a REALLY, REALLY poor taste. You obviously have never had to Dumpster-Dive just to live!~Try it sometime! You’ll then know what it is like to have to panhandle for a living.