Discussion: Cruz Responds To Trump: Questions About My Citizenship Are ‘Political Noise’

Discussion for article #244355

Yes, babies are noisy. Also loud and not rational. And often covered in a mess of their own making. Wait, were we talking about GOP candidates? Oh, well, still true.

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I think even my wildly extravagant popcorn supply is going to run short by super-tuesday. I foresee an emergency Costco run in the spring.

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Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) on Wednesday dismissed his presidential rival Donald Trump’s suggestion that his birth certificate could cause him problems in the 2016 election as “political noise.”

So prove it, Rafael. Show us your momma’s long form birth certificate proving she was born in the US, and not Canada like you were.


The job of the Executive is to administer and enforce the law. The laws governing who is and is not a natural born citizen are very easy to understand. If Trump’s having problems with them ( he isn’t its just more fakery from him ) then he should rethink what he’s up to. If as a wanna be POTUS he’s have difficulty with so simple a statute he’s like a guy wanting to be an Executive Chef but cannot boil water.

Can someone please tell me what a “long form” birth certificate is? I was under the impression there was no such thing and that’s why they were asking Obama to produce one.

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What else would you expect from a campaign that is nothing but political noise enormously amplified by the media?

Says the expert on making political noise.


fascist gaseous noise

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In the U.S., any individual born outside the country who has at least one parent who is an American citizen is considered to be a natural-born citizen.*

*Unless they’re black.

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Cruz: Look, I wasnt born in Kenya and I am not a Muslim or a democrat. What else is needed to become POTUS?

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If you had to assign the noise a color it would be green and if it had an odor it would be noxious.

Here is PBO’s long form and short form BC’s. The long form is kept on file. The short one is what you are given when you request a copy.

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I also believe that the US consulate in the country of birth needs to be notified.

Don’t link to Harvard Law. That’s where Cruz got his diploma, and he has demonstrated he doesn’t understand the Constitution.

So it’s no surprise both that article and Cruz don’t mention the fact that having one citizen-parent is not sufficient. That citizen must also have been resident in the U.S. for a certain number of years, after a given age, before the birth; as codified in 8 U.S.C. § 1401(g). It was amended in 1986; when Cruz was (supposedly) born, his mother would have to have been resident in the U.S. for ten years, five after the age of 14. Where is the proof of this residency?

Trump said. “But a lot of people are talking about it and I know that
even some states are looking at it very strongly, the fact that he was
born in Canada and he has had a double passport.”

C’mon, Trump. That statement is so mushy that even toothless Jeb Bush could eat it for breakfast.

I want to hear that Ted’s family is from “South of the border” and that his family was “one of the millions of Cruz families that have swarmed across our border to take jobs in America.”

The only time I’ll ever agree with Ted Cruz.

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donald trump: people are talking(me). people are saying things(me).

teddy bear i love you but… just saying.

           Noise  .... Political Noise ? ? 

Funny…I thought that sound was a YOOOUUUGE gun — Firing a shot across the bow of the HMCS Cruzzie –

I finally figured out what I can’t stand about Cruz whenever I see him speak on TV. He has the exact same way of speaking as Richard Fucking Nixon. He has the same turn of the head when he speaks. He then takes a pretentious pause, shifts his gaze, and gives another calculated ongoing response that sounds completely insincere and rehearsed. His mannerisms have eerie similarities.

I was also thinking that if tRump should win the Republican primary for President, I think we can be sure he wouldn’t pick Cruz to be his VP. No way, no how. I mean, why would he want someone who had a yuuuuge question mark as to whether he could possibly take over as President should anything happen to tRump?

Actually, I don’t think tRump or Cruz would win the Presidency, even if either one won the GOP primary. Both have such vile personalities.