Discussion: Cruz: My Dad Was Cuban Socalist Who Wanted To Join Castro

Daddy Cruz was aligning himself with ANYONE who was against Batista…ANYONE. But they way Teddy couched his words makes me think he’s looking to set up some leftist bona fides. That’s what it looks like. It really isn’t. Ted will do/say anything he thinks will get him to win the next election (to whatever office). It’s not about his constituents, rather, it’s about accumulating power. And elections keep him in office on the way to accumulating that power.
My post was a clumsy attempt to be snarky. Cruz is exactly the kind of guy we DON’T need in office. He’s a modern version of Joe McCarthy and happens to resemble him physically as well.


Now tell us the tale of Benny Hinn and the Church of Purifying

PS…does this mean Daddy was a terrorist in Cuba?

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Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance
by Ted Cruz

After being a drunk and a wife beater Cruz’s Pappy is now a preacher and a staunch Republican, because Jesus. Being beaten and kicked in the head didn’t help him much either.

Re: Cruz’s wife’s depression… I’d be depressed if I moved to Texas too.

To be followed by the sequel, based on his Senate career: The Audacity of Nope.


Castro and Che were communists of the Stalinist model. Che would put a bullet in you as look at you if he thought you would get in the way. “No man. No problem.”

Now maybe he dad learned that and turned away. That happened to many who were sympathetic to all levels of socialism in early to mid 20th C.

That said, I not sure what Cruz is trying to tell us.

actually what he admitted was his father is an illegal alien who bribed his way into the country which is illegal… he needs to be arrested as soon as possible for breaking our immigration laws


There are a lot of people who think that if the United States government had been more sympathetic to Castro and less supportive of Bautista, Cuba never would have turned Communist.

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Nation to Ted: No one cares.

I see Mr. Cruz (the younger) has discovered Grecian Formula For Men.

“Failed fiction story-teller uses Presidential run to boost book sales; hopes to pull another fast one on the public…”

Film at 11…

I think that’s a SoCal-ist.

The great majority of voting latinos in the USA are of Mexican descent. These bought n paid for Cuban Americans whose parents got a free and welcomed ride as immigrants - Rubio and Cruz - have to try to appeal to the much more left leaning Mexican Americans. I wonder if this is just another of their stupid ways to try to appeal to Mexican American voters.

“My Dad Was Cuban Socalist Who Wanted To Join Castro”

meh. Big deal. Everyones dad was a Cuban socialist who wanted to join Castro. It was the in thing back then. Like the Twist and Hula-Hoops.

What else ya got Teddy?